Procedures for new or changed graduate-level courses
Proposals for new or changed graduate-level (5xxx or 8xxx) courses are reviewed and approved by the College of Science and Engineering Dean's Office. After approval by the graduate program faculty, course proposals are submitted in the Electronic Course Approval System (ECAS). Notify the CSE coordinator ([email protected]) that there is a course requiring approval in ECAS.
New Courses:
New course proposals and substantial content changes to existing courses are reviewed and approved by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in consultation with the CSE Graduate Education Committee.
New course proposals are subject to the following deadlines chosen in order to ensure that the course can be fully approved and on the Class Schedule by the time relevant registration opens.
- Proposals for fall semester courses are due by the last day of February of the preceding semester
- Proposals for spring semester courses are due by the last day of September of the preceding semester
Changes to Existing Courses:
The following minor course changes are reviewed and approved by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs:
- Course name changes
- Deactivate a course
- Designator changes
- Minor language changes that do not change content
- Credit changes
- Contact hour changes
- Adding topics to a course