In-context learning of solution operators to linear elliptic PDEs

Data Science Seminar

Frank Cole
University of Minnesota


Transformer-based neural networks have demonstrated the ability learn in-context: given a few demonstrations of a new task, they can make correct predictions without updating their parameters. Recently, transformer-based foundation models have emerged as a powerful tool for solving complex scientific problems such as partial differential equations. However, their theoretical underpinnings are largely underdeveloped. In this talk, we present a framework to solve linear elliptic PDEs in-context with transformer neural networks, which consists of i) discretizing the infinite-dimensional PDE problem to a finite-dimensional linear system, and ii) in-context learning the linear system with transformers. We derive generalization bounds for the PDE recovery error respect to the number of pre-training tasks, the prompt lengths during training and inference, and the size of the discretization. We also study the behavior of pre-trained transformers under shifts on the distribution of tasks. Specifically, we introduce a novel definition of task diversity and prove that it is a sufficient condition for pre-trained transformers to generalize under task distribution shifts. In addition, we provide several sufficient conditions for task diversity to hold. Numerical experiments validate our theoretical findings.


Start date
Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024, 1:25 p.m.
End date
Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024, 2:25 p.m.

Lind Hall 325 or Zoom

Zoom registration
