Undergraduate Teaching Assistantships in ME

Each fall and spring, the Department of Mechanical Engineering selects from a pool of highly qualified undergraduate applicants for paid undergraduate teaching assistantships in ME. Not only can serving as a teaching assistant look great on a resume, but being a TA can also provide benefits such as:

  • better understanding of the teaching and learning process
  • deeper appreciation of the subject matter
  • pre-professional training
  • improvement of writing and presentation skills
  • development of leadership and self-confidence
  • better time management skills 

Full-time students interested in becoming a TA must fill out an application form for submission. A new application must be completed every semester (no applications are kept from previous semesters). Please note that all TAs, regardless of experience, must be available to work one week before and one week after the course term (see calendar below). In addition, all Fall and Spring TAs must attend a workshop held during the first week of the appointment.

Fall Semester Dates


04/05/24     Applications Open
04/14/24     Application Deadline
09/03/24     Job Starts
12/11/24     Commitments Deadline
12/19/24     Job Ends

Spring Semester Dates


11/01/24    Applications Open
11/08/24    Application Deadline
01/16/24    Job Starts
04/29/24    Commitments Deadline
05/08/24    Job Ends