Become a ME Ambassador
Submit this Form to Express Interest
What does a ME Ambassador do?
Students in the program are either LEAD AMBASSADORS or VOLUNTEERS. Both roles allow students the opportunity to develop their public speaking, presentation skills, confidence, and sense of community.
What is a Lead Ambassador?
Lead Ambassadors are paid UMN students who are formally trained through the National Engineering Ambassador Network annual workshop on assertion-evidence communication. This training is usually held one weekend in September, and the program covers the cost of attendance. Lead Ambassadors desire to use these new communication skills to complete K-12 outreach and are committed to serving approximately 5 hours per week through:
- Attending weekly Ambassador meetings with the program advisors and other Ambassadors for continued trainings in communication, professional development, and DEI following the annual workshop
- Developing and presenting modules in topic areas desired by K-12 educators with other Ambassadors-Coordinating and executing repeated presentations with K-12 students over the course of 1 or more years
- Collaborating with engineering education researchers to study outcomes of the program
What is a Volunteer Ambassador?
Volunteer Ambassadors are also UMN students who are passionate about enhancing their communication skills and completing K-12 outreach. However, our volunteers are typically not able to commit to the hours required to be a Lead Ambassador. Volunteer Ambassadors have a time commitment of approximately 5 hours per month. Volunteer Ambassadors will:
- Assist with editing Lead Ambassador presentations
- Help Lead Ambassadors practice their training modules
- Occasionally attend schools during outreach visits to provide live support
- Attend weekly Ambassador meetings with the program advisors and other Ambassadors

"In today's climate DEI is very important and being able to talk about this and have experience making a change, I think allowed me to stand out in the recruitment process."
-ME Ambassador