ME Undergraduate Tracks

What are the ME Tracks?
The ME Tracks are curated course guides to help students prepare for particular industries that are highly popular for mechanical engineers. Use these tracks to help navigate course offerings for your elective program.

How do I use them?
ME is a broad field. The tracks are designed to help students explore some of the many opportunities that a mechanical engineering degree prepares you for. These are optional pathways for students that may be interested in certain industries. Utilize these as you are exploring classes and meeting with your advisor.

Am I required to pick one?
No! You may use these as much or as little as you would like. You may choose to follow one, pick elements from multiple, or select the courses separately that serve your academic and career goals best.



Biosystems and Biodevices Track Flyer

Biosystems and biodevices are the cores of the local medical industrial ecosystem, which employs many of our graduates. This track offers options for training in medical devices, medical robotics, cryobiology, bioheat transfer, biotechnology, biomanufacturing, biomaterials, biofluids, and neural technologies. Job fields include:

  • Biomedical devices
  • Pharma and biotech
  • Consumer products
  • Sensors and diagnostics
  • Healthcare



The Built Environment Flyer

The built environment is human-made spaces where people work, live, and play. Students in this track develop skills to develop and create environments optimized for human activity, such as providing safe and comfortable indoor building air, with processes that minimize energy and environmental impact on our society. This exciting track includes the following fields:

  • HVAC

  • Sustainability

  • Instrumentation

  • Public health



Energy Transition Flyer

Mechanical engineers play a central role in the design of energy conversion and storage devices. Students in this track will be prepared to analyze energy conversion systems and work on sustainable and renewable energy sources for a brighter future. Energy topics are increasingly of interest in a wide variety of industries, including:

  • Electric power
  • Automotive/transportation
  • Clean/renewable energy
  • HVAC
  • Building/construction



Power and propulsion flyer

Power and propulsion systems are the fundamental devices that convert thermal and chemical energy into useful work for society. This track covers classes that provide ME students with the knowledge and skills required to analyze power and propulsion systems in order to create improved engines and energy sources. These topics are important in a range of industries, including:

  • Trucking
  • Airlines
  • Defense
  • Clean energy
  • Aerospace



Product Design Flyer

Products are all around us and mechanical engineers play an essential role in their conceptualization and development — from pacemakers to car cockpits and everything in between. In this track, students will learn the fundamental and applied skills to become a product engineering designer. Product design skills are useful in so many fields, including:

  • Medical devices
  • Consumer products
  • Industrial products



Robotics Track Flyer

Robotics and automation play an increasingly important role in the modern world. Students in this track learn about dynamic modeling, control systems, and robotic manipulators in order to become the next generation or robotics engineers. Robots are essential in an endless number of job fields, including:

  • Medicine
  • Automotive
  • Clean energy
  • Sensors
  • Defense
  • Agriculture