The Future of ME: Eden Prairie High School Student Wins State Science Fair

Yash Dagade, an 11th grade student taking classes at the University through the Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) program, spent the last few months working with Assistant Professor Sayan Biswas’ Plasma Power Propulsion Lab group to conduct research on high-altitude wind energy. The result? A vertical airborne wind farm that earned him five awards at the regional science fair and two awards at the state science fair.

Dagade worked alongside Biswas’ graduate students, beginning the project by brainstorming ideas and solving analytical equations. Then, he modeled his complex system design using Ansys Fluent software, 3D printed a model in the Anderson Student Innovation Lab, and has begun wind tunnel tests in the ME Department. His project, “WATT from VAWT: Design of A Novel Vertical Airborne Wind Turbine (VAWT) Clean Energy Farm,” won the state science fair, where he was one of five students chosen out of over 300 to advance to the International Science and Engineering Fair in Dallas, TX in May.