
Upcoming Events

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Current & Past Events

Short Course & Workshop: Quantum Mechanics and Semiconductors

The purpose of this meeting is to educate the collaboration on various types of disorder observed in Wave Localization and develop a common language to explain the physical properties in quantum mechanics and semiconductors. While there will be several Mathematicians in the audience, the majority of the participants will be Physicists.

Workshop: Spectral Properties of Disordered Systems

Invited speakers will lead discussions around scientific topics, such as, the relationship between the geometry of the domain and the properties of harmonic measure in co-dimension one, how researchers are using the Filoche-Mayboroda 3D localization landscape theory to obtain detailed measurements of the absorption edge of InGaN/GaN ultrathin layers, how localized modes are found at frequencies around the hybridization gap and opened at the resonance frequency of the scatterers were discussed at length.

Short Course: Spectral Theory and Mathematical Approaches to Localization

This course will provide a thorough foundation for all participants to be able to benefit from the subsequent workshops. Invited lecturers Thierry Giamarchi (Geneve) and Frédéric Klopp (Paris) will each present three lectures on Anderson Localization concepts from their respective fields. Participants will also have the opportunity to visit Professor Aspect’s lab at IOGS and Professor Weisbuch’s lab at Ecole Polytechnique.

Simons Collaboration on Localization of Waves Kickoff Meeting

Goals are to: 1) Establish detailed plan of activities, financial systems and other logistics for the Collaboration; 2) Begin interdisciplinary work engaging tools from harmonic analysis, partial differential equations and probability, high performance computational simulations and state-of-the-art experimental investigations of ultra-cold atoms and semiconductors to address the project outcomes; 3) Form collaborative research groups to jump-start localization discoveries.