
Upcoming Events

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Current & Past Events

Geometry, Disorder, and Delocalization of Eigenfunctions

The aim of this workshop is to bring top experts from different communities including geometric measure theory, percolation theory, spectral geometry, semi-classical analysis, and physicists from adjacent fields, to discuss the relationship between Geometry, Disorder, and Delocalization of Eigenfunctions.

Register Here


All talks in MIT 2-449

Thursday, May 16th

8:30am – Coffee and Pastries in 2-450
9-10am – Marcel Filoche
10-10:30 Break
10:30-11:30am: Mikhail Sodin
11:30-1:30pm: Lunch
1:30pm-2:30pm: David Damanik
2:30-3:30pm: Yulia Karpeshina
3:30-4pm: Snack Break in 2-450
4-5pm: Lior Alon

Friday, May 17th

8:30am Coffee and Pastries in 2-450
9-10am: Roland Bauerschmidt
10-10:30: Break
10:30-11:30am: Balint Toth
11:30-1:30pm: Lunch
1:30pm-2:30pm: Will Feldman
2:30-3:30pm: Dor Elboim
3:30-4pm: Snack Break in 2-450
4-5pm: Felipe Hernandez

Saturday, May 18th

8am: Coffee and Pastries in 2-450
8:30am-9:30am: Eugenia Malinnikova
9:30am-10am: Break
10-11am: Nick Edelen
11-12: Wilhelm Schlag

12-1pm: Sandwiches provided in Room 2-450


2024 Simons Collaboration on the Localization of Waves Annual Meeting

The 2024 Annual Meeting of the Simons Collaboration on Localization of Waves will bring together top mathematicians and physicists who work on understanding and manipulating the behavior of waves in disordered media or complex geometry, with a particular focus on localization phenomena.

The two-day meeting will feature presentations of recent advances in the mathematics, physics, and applications of localization. These include new results on the geometric structure of random waves, theoretical advances in Anderson localization, and groundbreaking experiments in systems of cold atoms.

The meeting will also be an opportunity for all participants to engage in open discussion, exchange ideas and make new connections.

Detailed information can be found on the Simons Foundation event page.

Workshop: Disorder in Semiconductor Physics and Devices

Click to learn more about the speakers and organizers!

Workshop: Dynamic effects on electronic structure and phenomena

This meeting will explore recent advances in experiment and modelling of dynamic control of electronic structure and excitations in a range of functional materials.

WAVE Collaboration Annual Meeting 2023

The 2023 Annual Meeting of the Simons Collaboration on Localization of Waves will bring together many of the world’s top mathematicians and physicists who are working to understand and exploit the localization of waves brought about by a disordered environment or complex geometry, and related wave behaviors.

Wave Localization & Many-Body Localization in Quantum Information

Anderson localization of electronic states induced by the presence of a structural disorder at the atomic scale has been a long-standing theoretical and experimental puzzle. The question has pervaded other fields such as optics or cold atom physics, with experimental setups trying to achieve spatial localization of light or of atomic matter waves in Bose-Einstein condensates. This event is an opportunity to bring together researchers and students from these connected but different fields, to exchange and to cross-fertilize their approaches.

Wave Collaboration: Where We Are and Where We Are Going

The goals of the meeting are to present the key achievements of the first 4-year stage of the project and to jumpstart the program moving forward to the second stage. The workshop will cover all fields of the Collaboration, from experimental physics to pure mathematics, and will foster the opportunities to build interdisciplinary teams for most compelling current challenges in phase space, geometry, random media, dynamics, and transport.

Mathematical Physics aspects of localization

Within the framework of the Simons collaboration on localization on waves, we organize a workshop on the mathematical aspects of localization. The topics of the conference will include mathematical progress on Anderson's model in various dimensions, applications of the landscape function, graphical representations and random walk models associated with localization/delocalization questions, and percolation perspectives on random waves.


List of Participants

WAVE Collaboration Annual Meeting 2022

The 2022 Simons Collaboration on Localization of Waves Annual Meeting will bring together world leading mathematicians and physicists whose work illuminates profound connections between disorder, geometric complexity, and the behavior of waves. The meeting will highlight how recent advances in mathematics yield important applications in physics involving wave localization. In particular, speakers will unveil groundbreaking results relating harmonic analysis and geometrical measure theory to cold atoms, nitride-based LEDs, and perovskites.

Workshop on Semiconductors, perovskites and 2D materials

A workshop on the physics of disorder in semiconductors. We will focus on electronic processes in the presence of localization related to disorder in different families of semiconductor materials: perovskites, nitrides and 2D TMDCs.