
Science Museum of Minnesota: Each year, the PI is committed to participating in outreach events at Science Museum of Minnesota. These events are targeted towards K-12 students as well as the interested general public. Wang’s exhibit generally involves hands-on experience of graphene exfoliation, cryogenics, and basic characterization of 2D material, aiming to generate wide public interest and awareness of quantum physics and quantum materials. During hands-on experience, description of the research projects in the PI’s lab including the proposed research will be given to the participants, at a level targeting K-12 students and families, to introduce them to nanoscale materials and quantum systems, and engage the public through discussions the advanced quantum nanotechnologies developed by our lab and its effect on device technologies––attractive topics that will generate considerable interest.

Lab Visit for High School Students and General Public: Wang lab has been actively hosting visits to Wang lab for high school students and general public interested in learning more about state-of-the-art quantum research. The lab tour consists of hands-on introduction of 2D materials using optical and atomic-force microscope, and quantum measurements using optical-cryostats located in Wang Lab. The goal is to generate interests of K-12 students especially those underrepresented in joining future quantum research efforts and generate public awareness of the current research direction in quantum physics, and its promises of quantum electronics and quantum computing and their relevance and potential in shaping the future technological and cultural aspects of our society.  

PI Wang with K-12 students at the Science Museum of Minnesota. The exhibition provides hands-on demonstration of preparing 2D materials, characterizing their optical and electrical properties, and a discussion of their role in next-generation quantum electronics and computing platforms.