About CSE-IT

Why do we exist?

CSE-IT exists to be an advanced technology support resource, meeting the unique needs of college faculty, staff and students.

How do we behave?

We value:

  • finding the best possible solution for our customers, using the full range of expertise and resources available.
  • continuously improving by always striving to find better ways to provide solutions that meet the needs of our customers and our organization.
  • creating community by knowing our customers and understanding their needs, by working cooperatively with our College and University partners, and by coming together as IT professionals who are encouraged to respect each other, speak their minds in an open atmosphere, and share ideas to solve problems.

We aspire:

  • to be better planners by continuously improving our processes so that we can be more proactive and less reactive, so that we can make the best use of our time and expertise, and so that we can be more thorough and effective in designing solutions.
  • to be better responders by knowing our customers better, by strengthening our internal teamwork, and by aligning our priorities to best serve the needs of CSE.
  • to have clearer lines of responsibility by fostering open and frequent communication among customers, staff and management, and by developing well-defined expectations so that our response is focused and consistent.

What do we do?

We provide versatile and expert technology solutions, for current and future scientists and engineers, to facilitate effective teaching and learning, research, and outreach.

How will we succeed?

We will succeed by:

  • aligning our responsiveness to the needs of CSE. We will utilize our in-house expertise to work with our customers to find the right solution, and we will embrace innovation when it is in our power to do so. We will seek continuous improvement in our processes and personnel so that we can be timely, nimble, and organized in our response.
  • developing our expertise so that we have the breadth and depth necessary to respond to the demands of CSE. We will foster a culture that encourages staff to acquire greater skill and we will support staff in their pursuit of excellence so that we can innovate for the future.
  • considering innovation as a potential option for every solution. Innovation will be part of our solution DNA that we will use to strengthen our future expertise and challenge ourselves to continuously improve our responsiveness.

What's Most Important Right Now

  • Good Housekeeping - improving how CSE-IT does its work to provide better service
    • New asset management tool
    • Improve recurring processes for Service Level Agreement and Voice of the Customer efforts
    • Reduce technical debt, particularly for server infrastructure and custom software
    • Improve processes for starting new projects
    • Improving incident management processes for faster ticket resolution

What's Always Important

  • Ticket resolution
  • Service delivery
  • Strong customer service
  • On-time project delivery
  • Continuous improvement
  • Staff morale