
What is Piazza? 

Piazza offers a streamlined question and answer interface with unique efficiencies for large enrollment classes. Responses take a Wiki format enabling instructors to respond more quickly and encouraging collaboration among students. Piazza also includes unique editing tools designed specifically for STEM disciplines.

Canvas LTI

The Piazza LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) integration has been added to the CSE Canvas sub-account. This tool provides a direct link from a Canvas course to an associated Piazza course. Currently, the main function of this integration is to allow instructors to sync their Canvas roster with a Piazza roster.

To add Piazza to your Canvas course:

  1. Go to Settings → Navigation and drag “Piazza” from the hidden items list to the course navigation list and click “Save.” 
  2. Click on the Piazza link you just created in the left navigation panel and follow the instructions for linking Canvas and Piazza.

Piazza License

CSE instructors may request to be added to the Piazza license by emailing [email protected].

Technical Support