Device Management & Purchasing
The University offers different types of computer management and support for University-owned computers. All devices purchased with University funds are required to be managed.
Why is Device Management Required?
All devices used for University business must be managed according to policy. Devices that are not carefully configured, updated, and protected by security tools expose the University and its community to theft, disruption, and damage.
The primary areas of risk include:
- Data: Exposure or theft of sensitive data, such as intellectual property, student records, or employee identity information.
- Money: Theft of employee paychecks, student financial aid, and other assets or fines levied against the University for non-compliance.
- Reputation: Damage to the University of Minnesota’s reputation or that of its faculty or staff.
- Exposure: Infected machines spreading malware to other devices.
Meeting University Information Security (UIS) policies and standards aimed at securing the University, including but not limited to the Systems and Device Management Standard, is the primary function of device management. Every University employee is responsible for meeting these standards.
CSE-IT Managed Devices
CSE-IT Managed Computers is the recommended support level for faculty, instruction, and research devices.
CSE-IT supports troubleshooting, configuration, and maintenance of these devices including:
- Compliance with University standards and policies
- Anti-Virus Software (where applicable)
- Hardware (while under service contract)
- Standard Software
- Security Patches & Updates
- 3rd-Party Software
- User Account Management
- File Shares
- Printing
- Backups of home directories and project space
- Integration into the University’s IT infrastructure, such as accounts, file servers, and storage.
- One-click installation of many common software applications via Software Center (Windows) or Self Service (macOS).
- If you need additional software installed, please contact CSE-IT.
- Automatic access to network printers.
- Automatic updates occur on the Monday after the 3rd Sunday each month.
Mac, Windows, Ubuntu and Rocky Linux operating systems are available.
CSE-IT Jointly-Managed Devices
CSE-IT Jointly-Managed Computers are available for faculty, instruction, and research devices.
- A jointly managed machine is provisioned and administered by CSE-IT.
- Includes most of what is provided with a CSE-IT managed machine.
- Administration privileges may be granted with evaluation of needs on a case by case basis.
Mac, Windows, Ubuntu and Rocky Linux operating systems are available.
OIT Managed Devices
Staff in the following departments must have their device managed by the Office of Information Technology (OIT).
- Mechanical Engineering Administration
- Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Civil Engineering
- Minnesota Geological Survey
- CSE Deans Office / Student Services
- Math
Mac and Windows devices are available. OIT supports troubleshooting, configuration, and maintenance of these devices.
Device Purchasing
If you are interested in purchasing a new device contact [email protected] for consultation and assistance.