Program Overviews
Biomaterials and Pharmaceutical Materials (BPM)
Synthesis and characterization of novel hard and soft materials and composites for biomedical and pharmaceutical applications; dynamics of mechanical, chemical and transport properties of biomaterials; evaluation and elucidation of materials interactions with biological tissues and media, and with pharmaceuticals.
Brief Description of Program
Research Highlights
Coating Process Fundamentals (CPF)
Process and prototype visualizations, microscopies, nanotesting, NMR and other spectroscopies, and microstructure probes combined with theory, computational methods, and computers to support the electronics, photonics, magnetics, specialty-films, and many other industries.
Brief Description of Program
Research Highlights
CPF website
Annual Meeting Program Booklets w/ Student Bios; 2016*, 2015*; for older booklets direct inquiries to Lorraine Francis
*Available to IPRIME members only. Login with your IPRIME company ID and password.
Data Driven Discovery and Design (4D)
The ever-increasing availability of data and computing power has led to rapid adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning methods in a broad range of applications in cheminformatics, bioinformatics, and materials design. The 4D program aims to address the above challenges and accelerate the application of data science in industry. It provides core expertise in data analysis and data-driven discovery and design of materials and chemicals, along with collaborative opportunities across applications in chemical and biochemical engineering, and materials science.
Microstructured Polymers (MP)
Design and synthesis of novel polymers, characterization of their structural and mechanical properties, and investigation of their rheological and processing behavior for both commodity and high value-added polymer products.
Brief Description of Program
Research Highlights
Annual Meeting Program Booklet with Student Bios: 2024 2017*, 2016*, 2015*, 2014* 2013*, 2012*, 2011*
*Available to IPRIME members only. Login with your IPRIME company ID and password.
Nanostructural Materials and Processes (NMP)
Identifying key molecular parameters and principles governing the assembly and properties of molecular thin films, surfactants, and ordered molecular phases of molecular systems for synthesis of specialty materials in agricultural, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and other businesses.
Brief Description of Program
Research Highlights 2023
Annual Meeting Program Booklet with Student Bios: 2024 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018,
Optoelectronics and Metamaterials (OM)
Innovation in materials design, processing, and characterization for applications in optoelectronics, active and passive light management, detection, and photovoltaics
Brief Description of Program
Research Highlights