Faculty Listed by Research Group
Biomaterials and Pharmaceutical Materials (BPM)
Biomaterials and Pharmaceutical Materials program description
Coating Process Fundamentals (CPF)
Coating Process Fundamentals program description
- Lorraine Francis – Program Leader
- Marcio Carvalho
- Xiang Cheng
- Cari S. Dutcher
- C. Daniel Frisbie
- Satish Kumar
- Sungyon Lee
- Alon McCormick
Data Driven Discovery and Design (4D)
Data Driven Discovery and Design Program program description
- Prodromos Daoutidis -- Program Leader
- Chris Bartel
- Turan Birol
- Natalie Boehnke
- Matthew Neurock
- David Poerschke
- Sapna Sarupria
- Ilja Siepmann
- Ellad Tadmor
- Qi Zhang
Microstructured Polymers (MP)
Microstructured Polymers program description
- Chris Ellison – Program Leader
- Frank Bates
- Michelle Calabrese
- Kevin Dorfman
- Marc Hillmyer
- Jessica Lamb
- Timothy Lodge
- Mahesh Mahanthappa
- Chris Macosko
- David Morse
- Theresa Reineke
Nanostructural Materials and Processes
Nanostructural Materials and Processes program description
- Alon McCormick – Program Leader
- Cari S. Dutcher
- Wayne Gladfelter
- Christy Haynes
- Greg Haugstad
- R. Lee Penn
- Ilja Siepmann
- Andreas Stein
- Lynn Walker
- Joe Zasadzinski
Optoelectronics and Metamaterials (OM)
Formerly Flexible Electronics and Photovoltaics (FEP)
Optoelectronics and Metamaterials program description
- Russell Holmes – Program Leader
- C. Daniel Frisbie
- David Blank
- Chris Douglas
- Vivian Ferry