Upcoming Events:
Fall 2024 Precision Coating and Drying (Online)
This is on-demand course with materials open from October 7 - November 4, 2024. The next longer in-person course will be held in May 2025.
Contact Prof. Lorraine Francis (lfrancis@umn.edu) for more information.
What's in the News?
Congratulations to the IPRIME Poster Award winners 2023
Co-Sponsored by PPG
The 2023 IPRIME poster winners are: Joel Updyke (BPM); Anahita Mobaseri and Ninad Mhatre (CPF); Katherine Vaidya (4D); Gabby Diaz and Ben Magruder (MP); Yevedzo Chipangura, Tana O'Keefe, and Sharmaka Mohamud (NMP); and Emma Pettit and Rohan Chakraborty (OM).
Kumar Delivers William Pierson Field Lectures at Princeton University
Satish Kumar recently gave two talks at Princeton University as part of the William Pierson Field Lecture initiative. This initiative brings prominent engineers and scientists to Princeton as visiting lecturers, with the unique feature that the visitors also give a lecture in a course.
Chris Ellison, Program Leader for the MP program, has been selected to receive Professional Achievement Citation in Engineering from Iowa State University
Professor Christopher Ellison, the Zsolt Rumy Innovation Chair, has been selected to receive a Professional Achievement Citation in Engineering (PACE) Award from the College of Engineering at Iowa State University. Ellison is an alumnus of Iowa State, graduating with his Bachelor's degree in 2000.
Bob Tranquillo of the BPM program has been awarded $3.7M to prepare for clinical trials of lab-created pediatric heart vessels that grow with the recipients
A University of Minnesota Twin Cities-led team of researchers has received a $3.7 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense to prepare for a human clinical trial of artificial, bioengineered blood vessels that grow with the patient. If successful, these new vessel grafts would prevent the need for repeated surgeries in children with congenital heart defects.
Study led by CEMS Associate Professor Bharat Jalan, from our EMD program, uncovers how structural changes affect the superconducting properties of a metal oxide
A team led by University of Minnesota Twin Cities researchers has discovered how subtle structural changes in strontium titanate, a metal oxide semiconductor, can alter the material’s electrical resistance and affect its superconducting properties.
Xiang Cheng, of the CPF program, conducted a new study solves mystery of how soft liquid droplets erode hard surfaces
A first-of-its-kind study led by University of Minnesota Twin Cities researchers reveals why liquid droplets have the ability to erode hard surfaces. The discovery could help engineers design better, more erosion-resistant materials.