Kumar Delivers William Pierson Field Lectures at Princeton University
Satish Kumar recently gave two talks at Princeton University as part of the William Pierson Field Lecture initiative. This initiative brings prominent engineers and scientists to Princeton as visiting lecturers, with the unique feature that the visitors also give a lecture in a course. Satish gave a research seminar in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) entitled "Dynamic Wetting Failure and Air Entrainment in Coating Flows". Satish also gave a lecture in the CBE elective course "Squishy Engineering: Solving Hard Problems Using Soft Materials", taught by Prof. Sujit Datta, entitled "Gutenberg meets Soft Materials: The Fluid Mechanics of Printing Processes".
Learn more here: https://cbe.princeton.edu/events/william-pierson-field-lecture-dynamic-wetting-failure-and-air-entrainment-coating-flows