Diversity in our backgrounds and perspectives brings strength to our department, and is central to our collective teaching, research, and outreach missions and our interactions across the University and the local community. We commit to recruiting diverse talent in all aspects of our department but also to enabling their support and retention - see Climate page for more details. We continually seek ways to renew our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion within our department.
The CEMS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) working group is charged with evaluating the department culture and creating a strategic plan to take concrete action steps towards an anti-racist, equitable, and inclusive department. More information about these initiatives can be found on the Climate, Diversity, and Outreach pages.
Related Links:
CEMS Women+ Group
CEMS Women+ Group is a collaborative effort by CEMS women and non-binary folks to advance gender equity within our department through cooperative relationships and build connections with professional women and non-binary folks in science and engineering who are currently working in industry, academia, government agencies, or national labs. Events include guest speakers, group discussions, and outreach opportunities. We seek new leadership at the end of each school year, and we actively encourage female and non-binary graduate students and postdocs to engage in and lead Women+ Group events throughout the year.
Related Links:
CEMS Students Organizing Against Racism (SOAR) Group
CEMS Students Organizing Against Racism (SOAR) Group is a group made up of students who are passionate about building towards an anti-racist CEMS that is supportive of and welcoming to all. The group is divided into subteams devoted to Outreach, Recruitment & Retention, and Education & Evaluation and undertakes initiatives to foster equity and inclusivity among students, as well as making recommendations to the CEMS DEI Group for department-wide initiatives. More details on membership and current work can be found on the CEMS SOAR website.
Related Links:
CSE Diversity & Inclusivity Alliance
The College of Science and Engineering (CSE) Diversity & Inclusivity Alliance is comprised of students, faculty, postdoctoral researchers, staff, and alumni from throughout the college. The goal of this Alliance is to improve the college's climate through advancement and practice of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).
Related Links:
UMN Student Groups
We encourage you to network and build a supportive community by becoming an active member in a diverse graduate student organization!
Related Links:
Diversity Ambassadors
Connecting with other graduate students is a vital way to find your place here in CEMS. We encourage any prospective or current students to connect with our CEMS ambassadors. The Graduate School also maintains the Puerto Rico, McNair Scholar, Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), and Black Graduate and Professional Student Association (BGAPSA) Ambassadors programs with whom interested students can connect.
Related Links:
UMN Resources
We all share responsibility for equity and diversity—it’s everybody’s everyday work. We value having a diversity of views and experiences that enrich campus life and the academic experience. Equity and diversity is fundamental to everything we do at the University of Minnesota.
Related Links:
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF.
U.S. citizen and pursuing either the master's or doctoral degree in research-based programs.
Diversity of Views and Experience Fellowship
The DOVE Fellowship Program seeks to assist graduate programs to promote a diversity of views, experiences, and ideas in the pursuit of research, scholarship, and creative excellence.
U.S. citizen and pursuing either the master's or doctoral degree in research-based programs.
The federally funded TRIO McNair Scholars program seeks to increase doctoral program application, matriculation, and degree attainment by underrepresented and first-generation college students.
U.S. citizen.
The Frieda M. Kunze Fellowship is for doctoral students conducting research in biochemistry, chemistry, or biomedical science.
Intend to enroll or be enrolled full-time in a research.
The Louise T. Dosdall Fellowship is for female-identified doctoral students pursuing research or study in Natural or Physical Sciences and Engineering.
Female-identified doctoral students and intend to enroll or be enrolled full-time in a research.
Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowship
The Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowship (IDF) provides a unique opportunity for outstanding Ph.D. students who are engaged in interdisciplinary research to study with faculty
Intend to enroll or be enrolled full-time in a research.
Leadership in Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Fellowship
The LEID Fellowship rewards Ph.D. candidates who have demonstrated a commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and/or social justice through scholarly activity and/or climate enhancing initiatives
Intend to enroll or be enrolled full-time in a research.
This professional development program awards research grants to postdoctoral fellows and advanced Ph.D. candidates as well as providing opportunities to collaborate with startups with a high potential for social and humanitarian impact.
Intend to enroll or be enrolled full-time in a research.
GEM’s fellowship programs span the entire recruitment, retention, and professional development spectrum. GEM’s principal activity is the provision of graduate fellowships at the MS and PhD levels coupled with paid summer internships . GEM also offers fellowships without paid summer internships through our GEM University and Associate Fellowship programs.
Inquiries about Graduate School Diversity Outreach and Recruitment: [email protected]
Inquiries about the Graduate School Diversity Office: [email protected]