Students Gathered Around A Table

CEMS leads outreach initiatives targeting students, teachers, and the general public in order to foster an appreciation for science and increase opportunities to engage in science and engineering. Activities and events range from public lectures to hands-on lessons, to intensive research programs for students and teachers. CEMS outreach is driven by the idea that STEM education should be accessible to all. CEMS actively encourages participation by those historically underrepresented in science and engineering and promotes inclusivity of all identities. Specific initiatives are detailed below.

CEMS STEM Stories: Watch the videos!

Current graduate students John Dewey, Mauricio De Leo, Kristine Loh, and Maya Ramamurthy described their research, provided advice for high school students, addressed why they chose CEMS for their graduate education, addressed overcoming inequities in STEM, among other topics. Check out the videos below!

Science for All

Science for All is a group of University of Minnesota graduate students that supports and promotes STEM education in the urban Twin Cities community by visiting local middle schools and teaching hands-on science lessons with real-world applications. An overarching goal is to engage students in evidence-based science and experimentation derived from the scientific method.

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MRSEC Outreach

The UMN Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) supports interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary materials research and education of the highest quality while addressing fundamental problems in science and engineering that are important to society. The MRSEC runs a comprehensive outreach program with activities designed to broaden participation in STEM at all levels from Kindergarten through college.

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Teacher Professional Development Opportunities

The MRSEC Research Experience for Teachers (RET) is a program that allows K12 teachers to actively participate in current research with one of our faculty’s research groups and design standards-based classroom activities from these experiences. One of the RET programs is the Green & Sustainable Chemistry workshop for high school teachers.

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Contact CEMS Outreach

CEMS outreach is conducted by a committee of the CEMS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) working group. Please contact thiss group for outreach information and opportunities with the CEMS department.

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