Why join?

Why join IPRIME

Companies joining the partnership receive:

  • First-look at cutting-edge research across a wide range of science and engineering                                                                       
  • Direct access to nearly 50 faculty members participating in IPRIME’s 6 program areas
  • Ability to influence the direction of research within these programs through the Technical Advisory Committees (TACs)
  • Identification of potential future employees through early and regular contact with more than 200 Ph.D. students
  • Early access to faculty & program publications and pre-publications
  • Free attendance at the IPRIME Annual Meeting and Mid-year workshops                                                
  • Connections and networking with other companies up and down the supply chain
  • Reduced rates at IPRIME supporting facilities including instrument use and/or analysis services at the:

In addition:  

  • Information on related research
  • Stimulation of in-house staff
  • Privileges on the IPRIME website

Membership Agreement

Companies also can participate in:

Industrial Fellows Program
Companies with IPRIME Sponsorship may send one Fellow per year as part of their fees. Affiliate companies may also send Fellows for an additional fee. While in residence at the University, a designated employee works closely with IPRIME researchers on a pre-defined research project of mutual interest.

Annual Meetings
Annual reviews of the Partnership’s research take place in the spring. At these meetings each research program gives formal oral presentations on its work during the past year. A poster session and reception offers the opportunity for informal interactions and discussions about on-going projects. The three-day meeting also includes master classes and special topic workshops.

Advisory Committees
Advisory Committees meet during the Annual Meetings. Company representatives give feedback on research emphases, project choices, and long-term directions as well as the effectiveness of the Partnership and its management.

Workshops & Short Courses
Workshops and short courses are scheduled throughout the year. Recent topics included workshops on materials properties of pharmaceuticals, challenges in liquid coating application, nanocomposites, colloidal nanoparticles for printed electronics and photovoltaics, and organic optoelectronics for energy efficient applications, as well as short courses on rheological measurements and coating process fundamentals.

IPRIME provides a gateway to sponsored (proprietary) research at the University of Minnesota. The University’s MN-IP program is a streamlined way to sponsor research. 

Please contact Chris Ellison, IPRIME Faculty Director, for further details.