Graduate Education

White male wearing goggles working machinery
Students working in ABET lab
ME grad student poses with paper award and Prof Allison Hubel

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota is one of the foremost graduate programs in the United States, serving the state and nation as a leading center of education, research, and innovation. Mechanical Engineering is one of twelve departments in the College of Science and Engineering, which includes departments of mathematics, the physical sciences, and engineering. This structure is highly effective at fostering multidisciplinary research and education.

We have over 50 research labs that give graduate students access to resources like groundbreaking 3D printing, cutting-edge robots, the University's own wind turbine, and even the Mississippi River.

The Department’s graduate program ranked in the top ten in the nation in the most recent National Research Council (NRC) Assessment of Doctoral Research Programs. Our graduates go on to highly sought-after positions in both academia and industry.

Want to know more about graduate research fields at UMN ME? Here are some highlights:

SAFL researchers in the Mississippi River


labs for hands-on research
Logo over ME Building entrance


in research expenditures in 2019
Hogan and student


recent faculty hires

ME Grad Council

A group to support ME graduate students by providing academic resources, addressing students' holistic needs, and building an inclusive and harmonious community.

Group of students poses at a bowling alley
ME Headshot
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Ernst Eckert Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Mechanical Engineering
Not Available
Graduate Program Manager
Mechanical Engineering
ME Headshot
Director of Student Recruitment, Mechanical Engineering