CSE-IT is here to help you with various technology needs. You can contact our CSE-IT representatives by emailing them individually or contacting the Help Desk: help@umn.edu, which is open from 8am-6pm Monday through Friday.

Headshot of Kerry Burns

Kerry Burns

IT Service Support Manager
Office: Walter Library B18L
Phone: (612)-624-7739

IT Technical Support 
Computer purchase consultations
Service Owner for Digital Signage
Headshot of Bryan Carlson

Bryan Carlson

Software License Manager
Office: ME 9
Phone: (612)-626-2262
Service Owner for Software Support and License Management
headshot of white man with brown hair and glasses wearing a green and white plaid button down shirt in front of a dark background with teal lights

Kent Mein

Chief Technology Officer & Security
Office: 486 Walter Library
Phone: (612) 624-8288
Email: mein@umn.edu
Research Support - Fundamentals
Custom Linux Instances for Research
Datacenter Hosting
Research Lab and Instrument Host Support
headshot of white man with glasses and short hair smiling wearing a royal blue button down shirt on a light background

Paul Sedler

Instructional Lab Support
Office: 499 Walter Library
Phone: (612) 624-8288
Service Owner, Instructional Labs