Custom Linux Instances for Research

Provides Linux hardware and software configurations, system administration and/or management, consulting, and support to accommodate research that requires advanced technical assistance.

What's Included

  • Specialized hardware, such as specific GPUs, as part of CSE-IT supported configurations.
  • Configuration and hosting of specialized servers and server configurations for research.
  • Support for open platform tools for developing and running applications and containers.
  • Support of Ubuntu and RockyLinux.
    • Other varieties of Linux may be considered upon request.

What You Need to Do

  • Home directory allocation and support on systems that are not in Active Directory.
  • Purchases made by CSE-IT will be charged to your research account.

Use Guidance

Use Guidance - Preferred

Given preference, where possible.

Life Cycle Phase

Life Cycle Phase - Available

Currently available for use.


Research Computing Services