Instructional Lab and Instrument Host Support

Lab and instructional desktop support, including hardware and software (installation, data acquisition). Instrument host support will be provided for teaching labs that are using legacy equipment running on older operating systems.

What's Included

  • Operating system deployment for Windows, macOS, and Ubuntu computers using University-standard software and tools.
  • Active Directory and Group Policy management for supported computers.
  • Information security management, monitoring, remediation, incident response, and consulting.
  • Standard network-related request fulfillment and incident resolution.
  • Assessment of hardware and OS platform(s) needed to support software application requests. 
  • Software packaging, as necessary and by request.
  • Software distribution, patching, routine maintenance, limited inventory and asset management, currently via SCCM/Software Center (Win) or JAMF Pro/Self Service (macOS) or Modules (Ubuntu Linux).
  • Troubleshooting of software installation and performance problems.
  • Storage-home directories for managed Linux and Windows Desktops
  • Department instructional labs are offered the option of either a standard workstations including a computer tower, monitor, keyboard, and mouse or a monitor hub option to connect a personal device which includes a monitor, keyboard, and a USB-C connection.

What's Not Included

  • Computers outside of CSE-IT supported instructional labs — e.g. in research labs, in administrative offices, etc.
  • Software that is not freely licensed or properly licensed for instructional use.
  • Software that cannot be automated for mass deployment.
  • Software that does not meet OGC or UIS approval requirements.  
  • Assistance with learning to use the software application.
  • Troubleshooting software issues not related to installation and performance (i.e., we don’t fix your code). 
  • Software used for commercial research.


Use Guidance

Use Guidance - Preferred

Given preference, where possible.

Life Cycle Phase

Life Cycle Phase - Available

Currently available for use.