Managed Hosting

Provides standardized support for your server or workstation. CSE-IT will assume all administrative functions for your computer.

What’s Included

  • Integration with the University’s IT infrastructure, such as accounts, file servers, and storage.
  • Your choice of CentOS, MacOS, Ubuntu, or Windows operating system.
  • One-click installation of many common software applications via Software Center (Windows) or Self Service (macOS).
  • Best effort installation of requested open source software.
  • Physical or virtual machine options.
  • Integration with the University’s IT infrastructure, such as accounts, file servers, and storage.
  • Complete operating system support

What’s Not Included

What You Need to Do

Contact CSE-IT to schedule a consultation.

Use Guidance

Use Guidance - Preferred

Given preference, where possible.

Life Cycle Phase

Life Cycle Phase - Available

Currently available for use.