Viewing graph solvability and its relevance in 3D Computer Vision
Data Science Seminar
Federica Arrigoni (Politecnico di Milano)
“Structure from motion” is a relevant problem in Computer Vision that aims at reconstructing both cameras and the 3D scene starting from multiple images. This talk will explore the theoretical aspects of structure from motion with particular focus on the “viewing graph”: such a graph has a camera for each node and an edge for each available fundamental matrix. In particular, a relevant problem is studying the “solvability” of a viewing graph, namely establishing if it determines a unique configuration of cameras. The talk will be based on the following paper:
Federica Arrigoni, Andrea Fusiello, Elisa Ricci, and Tomas Pajdla. Viewing graph solvability via cycle consistency. ICCV 2021 (Best paper honorable mention)