
The MSSE program is open to all who are interested in gaining a deeper understanding and practice in software engineering. MSSE students will increase their potential and relevance in the marketplace by challenging thinking methods and fostering personal and professional growth.  The program is taught by supportive faculty with real world experience.    

The schedule, curriculum content and structure of the program allow for students who have competing priorities to focus on their studies while maintaining a manageable work/life balance. 

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Admissions for the MSSE program is selective and requires applicants to have professional work experience to be considered for the program. Applicants should have at least one (1) year of work experience in the field of software, should have a BS or BA in Computer Science or related field, and have a minimum GPA of 3.0. It is desired that students are currently working in the software engineering field, but it is not a requirement for admission. Other educational backgrounds are considered if professional experience in the field is substantial.

If you are interested in joining the MSSE program, we strongly recommend that your English proficiency test scores are at a higher threshold than the minimum suggested by the Graduate School of Admissions. This is to ensure that program admits have the best student experience, as much of the MSSE coursework is collaborative and project-related. If you do not have a higher ELP score than the minimum suggested, you are still welcome to apply, however, we may ask to schedule an interview with you prior to making an application decision.

The application requirements (including requirements for international applicants) are described in more detail on the Entrance Requirements page.  Early application deadline is March 1st. All international applicants must apply by the early application deadline of March 1st. The final application deadline for domestic applicants is July 1st.

Learn more about the admissions process.



The program’s curriculum is designed to give students a solid foundation in software engineering theory and best practice, coupled with a thorough understanding of today’s technologies, systems and analytics. Created by both faculty from the Computer Science and Engineering Department and by industry experts, the MSSE course content provides a solid grounding in theoretical methods, principles, and tools, and an examination of fundamental software development issues and processes.

Teaching delivery methods are designed to sharpen students’ critical thinking, leadership and interpersonal skills, giving them the tools they need to better manage and lead software projects. Concepts are explored using realistic and relevant case examples and projects to ensure that the theory works in practice. Group projects as well as interactive, robust and intellectual classroom discussions, allow students to learn from faculty as well as from each other. The MSSE program emphasizes team work and collaboration, giving students the opportunity to strengthen leadership and communications skills

Learn more about the curriculum. 


The MSSE schedule has been created to make efficient use of students’ time, requiring one all-day visit to campus per week, rotating between Fridays and Saturdays. This schedule allows for minimal time away from work without utilizing every weekend. Each fall semester, four class sessions are dedicated to a Professional Seminar Series where subject matter experts share research findings, insights and expertise on current topics in the field. The final semester of study features electives on topics that are timely and relevant in the field, taught by seasoned scholar/practitioners. Electives options are voted on by the cohort.

Classes begin at 8:00am and end between 4:00pm - 5:00pm, with a one hour break for lunch. 

Learn more about the program schedule.


The Masters of Science in Software Engineering follows  the University-wide tuition model. For more information regarding Graduate and Professional tuition costs, we encourage you to visit the One Stop Student Services tuition page

For questions concerning program costs, you may contact One Stop by email at onestop@umn.edu or by phone at 612-624-1111.