
Upcoming Events

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Past Events

IMA Data Science Seminar - Learning in Stochastic Games

Muhammed Omer Sayin (Bilkent University) will give a presentation entitled Learning in Stochastic Games.

Machine Learning Seminar Series with Priya L. Donti (Climate Change AI)

Priya Donti, co-founder and executive director of Climate Change AI, will speak on Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning.

Statistics Seminar - BET and BELIEF

Dr. Kai Zhang, associate professor at the Department of Statistics and Operations Research, UNC Chapel Hill, will give a presentation entitled "BET and BELIEF."

Machine Learning Seminar Series with Zilin Li

Zilin Li, assistant professor in theDepartment of Biostatistics and Health Data Science at Indiana University School of Medicine, will speak on STAARpipeline: an all-in-one rare-variant analysis tool for biobank-scale whole-genome sequencing data.

CS&E Colloquium: Jing Ma

This week's speaker, Jing Ma (University of Virginia), will be giving a talk entitled "When Causal Inference Meets Graph Machine Learning: Unleashing the Potential of Mutual Benefit."

Machine Learning Seminar with Zhi Ding (ECE, UC Davis)

Zhi Ding, Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Davis, will speak on Non-Blackbox Deep Learning for Massive MIMO Wireless Communication Systems.

Math Colloquium: How mathematical AI is transforming biosciences

Dr. Guowei Wei, Foundation Professor of Mathematics, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Michigan State University, will speak on "How mathematical AI is transforming biosciences".

Machine Learning Seminar Series with Tan Bui-Thanh

Tan Bui-Thanh, an associate professor and the endowed William J Murray Jr. Fellow in Engineering No. 4, of the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering & Sciences, and the Department of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics at the University of Texas at Austin, will speak on Enabling approaches for real-time deployment, calibration, and UQ for digital twins.

Machine Learning Seminar Series with Anna Scaglione (ECE, Cornell)

Anna Scaglione, currently a professor in electrical and computer at Cornell Tech, the New York City campus of Cornell University, will speak on A User Guide to Low-Pass Graph Signal Processing and its Applications.

CS&E Colloquium: Tianfan Fu

This week's CS&E Colloquium speaker, Tianfan Fu (Georgia Institute of Technology), will give a talk entitled, "Deep Learning for Drug Discovery and Development."