Dan Bouk researches the history of bureaucracies, quantification, and other modern things shrouded in cloaks of boringness.
He teaches history at Colgate University and is the author of Democracy’s Data: The Hidden Stories in the US Census and How to Read Them, which the New York Times called “endearingly nerdy.”
Sarah Lamdan is Professor of Law at the City University of New York School of Law. She also served as a Senior Fellow for the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, and is a Fellow at NYU School of Law's Engelberg Center on Innovation Law and Policy.
Her book, Data Cartels: The Companies that Control and Monopolize Our Information (2022, Stanford University Press) studies the information access and data privacy issues that arise when traditional publishers pivot towards data analytics ventures.
Xiaochang Li is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at Stanford University.
Her current book project, Beyond Recognition: Language, Datafication, and the Making of Algorithmic Culture, traces the history of speech and natural language processing from acoustics engineering in the early 20th century through the rise of text-mining and analytics at the turn of the 21st, showing how the problem of mapping communication to computation fueled the explosion of data-driven machine learning and related forms of algorithmic authority.
Devin Kennedy, Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Jess Dillard-Wright, Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Rae Walker, Associate Professor and PhD in Nursing Program Director, College of Nursing, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Jason Ludwig, PhD candidate, Science and Technology Studies, Cornell.
Mona Sloane, Senior Research Scientist, Center for Responsible AI, Tandon School of Engineering, New York Univ.
Elizabeth Calhoun, PhD Candidate, Geography at Univ. of Minnesota.
Stacy E. Wood, Director of Research, UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry.
Caitlin Burke, PhD student, Department of Communication, Stanford Univ.
Maaz Gardezi, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg.
Fernanda R. Rosa, Assistant Professor, Department of Science, Technology, and Society, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg.
Ryan Stock, Assistant Professor, Department of Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences.
Edward Prutzer, Post doc, Department of Sociology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg.
Megan Wiessner, PhD Candidate, Media, Culture, and Communication, New York Univ.
Helen A. Hayes, Ph.D. Candidate, Communication Studies, McGill Univ.
Yandong Li, PhD Candidate, Cinema and Media Studies, Univ. of Washington.
Jongmin Lee, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Science, Technology, and Society, Univ. of Science and Technology (UST), Korea.
Snigdha Kumar, Instructor, Department of Sociology, Univ. of Minnesota.
Christos Karampatsos, Post doc, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens.
Polyxeni Malisova, PhD Candidate, Dept. of History and Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens (NKUA).
Bo An, Grad student, Combined PhD Candidate in East Asian Languages and Literatures & Film and Media Studies, Yale Univ.
Eliza Pertigkiozoglou, Ph.D. Candidate, Architecture, McGill Univ.
Yoehan Oh, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
David E. Dunning, Post doc, Univ. of Oxford.
Michele H. Jackson, Professor, Michigan State Univ. College of Communication, Arts and Sciences.
LaRisa Anderson, PhD Student, Hussman School of Journalism and Media, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Hyo Jung Kim, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, New York Univ.