Advisory Committees


CharFac benefits from multiple advisory and oversight committees. Three committees preside over groups of instrumentation: (1) Electron Microscopy (SEM, TEM and ancillaries such as specimen prep tools), (2) X-ray scattering (both wide- and small-angle), and (3) surface/thin-film analysis (mainly spectrometers plus a few miscellanea). A fourth planning and policy board (PPB, including two members from industry) presides over the entire CharFac in the context of policy plus strategies for budget and growing usership and collaborations (both internal-to-UMN and external partners). PPB members also bring many years of direct experience in research collaboration with the CharFac's scientific staff.

Please email Technical Director Greg Haugstad for more information on these advisory groups (e.g., membership).

In addition the CharFac's Technical Director has a seat on the executive committees of two research centers: (1) the NSF-funded Materials Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) and (2) an industry-UMN consortium known as IPRIME, the Industrial Partnership for Research in Interfacial and Materials Engineering. In handling their charges these committees inevitably provide advice to the CharFac with implications extending beyond the immediate concerns of the centers.