
Upcoming Events

CharFac Academic User Meeting 2024

This will be a series of talks by CharFac users in the morning, with lunch and a poster session by CharFac staff in the afternoon. 

More details and final agenda to be posted as we get closer to the event. 

Past Events

2024 IPRIME Annual Meeting

The 2024 IPRIME Annual Meeting will be held May 28-30, 2024 on the UMN Twin Cities Campus. 

Visit the IPRIME website for more information:

Bruker and University of Minnesota BioAFM Workshop

Discover the Latest Advances in BioAFM Technology

Bruker is pleased to co-host a BioAFM Workshop in collaboration with the University of Minnesota Characterization Facility (CharFac) on February 21-22, 2024. During this free two-day event, there will be presentations from distinguished research groups as well as Applications Expert, Dr. Yi Wei (Bruker) showcasing the unique and powerful capabilities of the technique.

We will also provide hands-on demonstrations with Bruker’s NanoWizard V BioAFM. If interested in seeing what this technology can do for your research project, please follow the instructions in the email you receive shortly after registering for the event.

Space is limited. Register today to secure your spot.



IPRIME Mid-Year Workshop: Advanced Analytical Methodologies for Structural and Chemical Characterization of Soft and Hard Materials

Register now for this one-day workshop 

Dear IPRIME Colleagues,

IPRIME (Industrial Partnership for Research in Interfacial and Materials Engineering) is pleased to announce a one-day, in-person workshop on the analytical capabilities in the Characterization Facility (CharFac), which welcomes users from industry.

Advanced Analytical Methodologies for Structural and Chemical Characterization of Soft and Hard Materials
Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2024
Keller Hall, Room 3-180 or Zoom
University of Minnesota Twin Cities

The workshop will run from approximately 8:55 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Note: If you have problems registering or need more information, send an email to Nate Lynch at

Visit our
IPRIME website closer to the date for more information as the workshop time and agenda are finalized. There will be an option to participate via Zoom (a link will be emailed the week before the workshop). For those attending in person and registering at least one week before the workshop, lunch will be served.

This workshop is co-sponsored by the Nanostructural Materials and Processes program and the Characterization Facility (CharFac).

More about the workshop

The Characterization Facility is a Core Research Facility of the University of Minnesota, equipped with cutting-edge instrumentation to support academic and industrial research. The facility is divided into different analytical laboratories dedicated to microscopy, spectroscopy, X-ray and ion scattering, and surface/thin-film properties. During the workshop we will show the latest results from and updates of instrumentation for the different technical areas of the facility and we will highlight collaborations with industrial partners as well as academic investigators via programs such as IPRIME and the National Science Foundation Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC).

The workshop is free and open to
IPRIME member companies, invited guests, and University of Minnesota faculty, students, and staff.

XRS Lab User Meeting and Workshop

Please save the date for the mornings of the 23rd and 24th of October. This year Dr. Ivan da Silva from the ISIS neutron and muon source (STFC, United Kingdom) is visiting us, and he will guide us through the details and steps of crystallographic structure solution of powders. We will also spend some time discussing the capabilities of the reciprocal space imaging tools developed at CharFac, which can be used to elucidate the crystallographic structure of films and single crystals. Please see the agenda linked here

We have reserved the PAN conference room (#130), if you are interested in attending please fill the google form:

We hope to see you there!

CharFac Seminars and User Forums

Starting this summer, CharFac will be holding a series of seminars to foster interaction between internal users and CharFac staff scientists. This is a series of twelve seminars that we will offer as open forums, and will feature the latest results/updates of instrumentation, broad open discussions, and brainstorming between staff and user/faculty attendees .

The one-hour long discussions/presentations will be held every Thursday at 11am in room 212 of the Civil Engineering building, with an additional Wednesday session on August 16th. The first seminar will be held on June 22nd, and they will continue through the end of the summer.

The full schedule can be found here

SPMConnect at TechConnect 2023

SPMConnect is launching at TechConnect 2023 as an annual AFM-based conference to foster and support the AFM community in terms of idea exchange, best practices development, mentoring, and career development. In addition to research talks, in line with the industrial/innovation theme of the broader TCW meeting, SPMConnect will feature panel discussions and plenty of opportunities for AFM researchers and scientists to meet, network and exchange ideas.

This conference aims to bring together users from a wide variety of disciplines including polymer science, biology, energy, computing, materials science, and more who share an interest in SPM as an instrument to explore nanoscale phenomena and characterization. SPMConnect aims to include scientists and researchers from a wide variety of backgrounds including industry, instrumentation vendors, academia, and national labs. Further information can be found here

Atomic force microscopy beyond topography imaging: mechano-spectroscopy and matter-bio-informatics

Featuring Dr. Igor Sokolov from Tufts University. This will be held on June 14th from 10-11am in PAN 130. There will be time afterward for discussion tailored to people's research problems. More details can be found here.  

2023 IPRIME Annual Meeting

Save the Date! The 2023 IPRIME Annual Meeting will be held May 30-June 1, 2023. Registration opens April 17th. 

Visit the IPRIME website for more information as the details and agenda are finalized.

IPRIME Mid-Year Workshop

IPRIME (Industrial Partnership for Research in Interfacial & Materials Engineering) is pleased to announce a one-day, in-person workshop on the analytical capabilities in the Characterization Facility (CharFac) that are available to industry.

This workshop is intended to broadly communicate, and describe in some selective detail, the analytical capabilities in the Characterization Facility (CharFac) that are available to industry.

The full-day workshop will include four sessions covering two main topics. The first topic, spanning three of the four sessions, will describe the analytical capabilities of the facility by highlighting instrumentation, applications and staff expertise. The second topic will exemplify collaborations with the staff on open research via the IPRIME fellows program and similar routes, plus some new developments. As such this last session will highlight collaborative projects that emphasize analytical methods, including goals of (i) developing analytical expertise, (ii) exploring methodologies (e.g., parameter space, complementary techniques), and (iii) generating new insights on specific materials and device constructs (i.e., technological problems).

Visit the IPRIME website for more information as the time and agenda are finalized.


The University of Minnesota Core Facilities Open House

The open house offers visitors the chance to tour several of the University’s best research assets, including the Characterization Facility, the University Imaging Center, the Minnesota Nano Center, and the LeClaire-Dow Instrumentation Facility. Staff from these University core labs will be on hand to discuss ways that we can support your R&D needs.

The open house runs from 9 AM to 2 PM on August 9. Please meet us in the Physics and Nanotechnology (PAN) building (115 Union St SE), where snacks/ refreshments and campus maps will be available. Each participating lab will have a table in the PAN atrium, with literature/information, a sign-up list for prescheduled lab tours, and a staff member present to answer questions. Registration is optional but appreciated. Please use this form to register: Registration Form