Confocal Raman Microscope
29A Shepherd Labs
Raman spectroscopy is used for structural characterization of organic and inorganic molecules in solids, liquids, gases, and on surfaces. In Raman spectroscopy, irradiation excites chemical vibrations. Changes in the wavelength of the scattered light appear as spectral peaks corresponding to different energies of excitation.
Rather than image one excitation, our new Witec confocal Raman microscope allows collection of a full spectrum at each pixel location, and in a matter of minutes. Thus complex spectral fingerprints can be rendered in images. Confocal Raman microscope allows one to do high resolution chemical mapping on materials in 2D and even 3D.
- Lasers: 532 nm and 785 nm.
- Optical resolution: diffraction limited to ca. 250 nm laterally and 500 nm vertically
- Spectral range 3800 cm-1 and resolution ca. 4 cm-1 using a 600/mm grating or spectral range 1200 cm-1 and resolution 1.3 cm-1 using a 1800/mm grating
- Polarization study.
- Low wavenumber down to 20 cm-1 using a RayShield coupler.
- WitecControl_4.05 software for data collection and analysis.
Equipment and applications:
- Witec Alpha 300R confocal Raman microscope with UHTS300 spectrometer and DV401 CCD detector.
- Two lasers: Frequency doubled Nd:YAG 532 nm, and diode laser 785 nm.
- Optical resolution: diffraction limited to ca. 250 nm laterally and 500 nm vertically
- Spectral range 3800 cm-1 and resolution ca. 4 cm-1 using a 600/mm grating or spectral range 1200 cm-1 and resolution 1.3 cm-1 using a 1800/mm grating.
- Fast spectra acquisition (less than 100 ms for a single spectrum).
- Data collection to low wavenumbers, 20 cm-1, using a RayShield coupler for 532 nm laser.
- Polarization study: a half wave plate polarizer in the incident beam path and a polarization analyzer in the detection path.
- Windows-based WitecControl_4.05 software for data collection and analysis; WitecProject software that can be installed on user's computer for offline data analysis.