Contact Technical Director Greg Haugstad

Please feel free to discuss any the following topics via [email protected] (optionally schedule phone, virtual or in-person meeting):

University of Minnesota faculty

  • Provide basic feedback on labs and/or services, including but not limited to – education/training/assistance, reservation/logging/billing systems, accessibility, user friendliness, downtime, analytical services. (Detailed technical issues are best discussed between the PI and the instrument manager first, please do not hesitate to contact the pertinent staff member.)
  • Receive advice on our methods, especially multi-technique aspects (i.e., complementarity of methods; whereas staff specialists are the best contacts for advice on specific techniques). May include formal presentation to your group, or a cluster of faculty groups, or a department.
  • Arrange tours of CharFac (directly with Greg) and optional auxiliary meetings with specific staff experts. We are especially eager to meet with new faculty (but long-timers are more than welcome)... please do not hesitate to contact us.
  • Collaboration – tapping the expertise of professional staff members in research projects, whether for hands-on analytical work, customizing methods to specific research needs, training in advanced methods, ongoing mentoring of students/postdocs in the context of their research projects (including serving on thesis committees)
  • Strategic – ideas on prospective instrumentation,  staffing/management of instrumentation, systems for data analysis / computation, educational events (workshops/short courses/master classes), outreach (broader impacts)


  • Your technological / process problems – potential applicability of multiple analytical techniques (but please become familiar with the capabilities described on our website first, to inform the selection of staff experts for the discussion)
  • Formally speak to your company on our capabilities (virtual or on-site talk)
  • Collaboration – options including IPRIME membership, other methods-development interactions, federal grant applications for industrial-academic teams (e.g., GOALI, SBIR/STTR) including subcontracting our labs 

Other institutions (academic, government, nonprofit)

  • Broad introduction to our instrumentation and services – whether simple discussion (phone, virtual) or formal presentation to your group or department (virtual or visiting)
  • Collaboration – tapping the expertise of professional staff members in hands-on analytical work; may include customizing methods for specific research needs