Greg Haugstad (incl. email)
Scanning probe microscopy (+IR), Ion beam analysis (RBS/PIXE/etc)
201 Shepherd Labs
100 Union St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Scanning probe microscopy (+IR), Ion beam analysis (RBS/PIXE/etc)
201 Shepherd Labs
100 Union St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Scanning probe microscopy (+IR), Ion beam analysis (RBS/PIXE/etc)
Greg is a condensed matter physicist with BA and Ph.D. degrees from Gustavus Adolphus College and the University of Minnesota, respectively. Prior to his Ph.D. work he had research fellowships at Ames Lab and 3M, the latter on nanocomposites for GHz-regime electromagnetic wave absorption ("stealth") using vector network analysis. His Ph.D. research focused on electronic properties at metal and semiconductor interfaces, employing in situ characterization (soft X-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy) at the synchrotron light source Aladdin near Madison, WI (adviser Alfonso Franciosi).
After postdoctoral research with DuPont in a UMinn NSF Engineering Research Center (adviser Wayne Gladfelter), developing atomic force microscopy (AFM) methods to study interfaces in light-sensitive imaging media, he joined the CharFac in 1994; here he continued industry research collaborations as both principal investigator and hands-on researcher. He added managerial, teaching, service and developmental responsibilities for core labs in AFM as well as ion beam analysis (IBA), which includes Rutherford backscattering (RBS), particle-induced X-ray/gamma-ray emission (PIXE/PIGE) and other methods for elemental and depth-dependent composition and epitaxy. His AFM research program includes:
Information content in diverse imaging and mapping modes, both laterally and vertically sensitive (e.g., data cube);
Nanotribology, nanorheology and nanomechanics, including custom modulation methods, dependence on rate/temperature/humidity, and liquid immersion (e.g, colloid probe);
Polymeric, organic and biological films and coatings, and microtomed complex materials;
Polymer nanocomposites with nanoparticle, carbon nanotube (CNT), or 2D fillers, as well as CNT- or graphene-based device constructs.
Greg is a frequent speaker at conferences and workshops emphasizing nanoscale characterization. He has collaborated with industry on open research related to inkjet printing and micro/nano-spray coatings; adhesion/release media; personal care films; biomedical device surface modification; polymer-drug nanoparticles and coatings; ultrafiltration media; and nanocomposites. He further provides analytical services with a broad range of clients. Since 2001 he has served on the graduate faculty, providing a materials characterization emphasis. His teaching has included graduate courses in imaging, spectrometry and nanomechanics; undergraduate characterization labs; nanocharacterization capstone courses for 2-year students; training classes for the CharFac; and national-reach short courses. Spurred by this educational vantage point, and derived from both teaching materials and research data, Dr. Haugstad has written a methods monograph on AFM entitled: Atomic Force Microscopy: Understanding Basic Modes and Advanced Applications (Wiley).
View Greg Haugstad's research page here