Outreach and Education recap - summer 2024 newsletter

Since last fall, CharFac’s efforts in outreach and education have expanded with the (1) organization of educational events, (2) user meetings/workshops and (3) promotion at meetings and conferences.

From the first group we highlight: (1.1) the IPRIME mid-year workshop 2024, a hybrid event that allowed not only our industrial colleagues to learn about the advanced analytical methods used in CharFac, but also the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley PREM group of MRSEC to join remotely. (1.2) The ABRF pre-meeting workshop on “Multidisciplinary Microscopy and Microanalysis”, co-organized with the University Imaging Center, where our scientists showcased CharFac’s instrumentation to attendees of the Association of Biological Research Facilities meeting. 

Regarding (2), user meeting/workshops, both the Scanning Probe and X-ray Scattering laboratories of CharFac have hosted dedicated workshops to “Biological Atomic Force Microscopy” and  “Crystallographic structural determination” respectively. 

Finally, in regards to (3), CharFac  has hosted exhibit tables at many events including the Minnesota Chapter of AVS Annual Symposium and Exhibition, and the Design of Medical Devices Conference. CharFac staff have also divulged their studies by presenting their scientific results at multiple conferences such as IPRIME annual meeting, TechConnect, ABRF conference and Microscopy and Microanalysis. 
