Custom Solutions Maintenance
Provides maintenance services for custom solutions that have been mutually agreed upon to be included in the CSE-IT Software & Web Development Portfolio.
What's Included
- Consulting and business analysis on existing custom solutions.
- Bug fixes.
- Upgrades to ensure a solution continues to meet CSE and University version standards for language, operating system, security, software dependencies, etc.
- Coordination with vendors to apply patches, updates, and security fixes.
What's Not Included
- Support for new software development is provided via our Custom Solutions Development service.
- Systems that don’t adhere to current standards will receive “best effort” support.
What You Need to Do
- Participate in a regular review process to ensure your application continues to be the best solution and is meeting required standards.
- Adhere to University Policy for Accessibility of Information Technology.
- Adhere to University Brand Policy: Trademarks, Logos, Colors, and Seal.
- Adhere to University Information Security Policy.
- Follow University guidelines for Domains and Branding.
- Follow other relevant guidelines and policies such as FERPA and HIPAA.
Use Guidance

Given preference, where possible.
Life Cycle Phase

Currently available for use.