Previous Lectures

2023 Misel Family Lecture
2022 Misel lecture
2019 Misel Lecture in progress
Prof. Quinn & Mrs. Misel
Prof. Mavalvala answering questions
2017 Misel Lecture
2015 Misel Lecture Q&A
2015 Misel Lecture
2017 Misel Lecture Q&A
2014 Misel Lecture afterwards
2014 Misel Lecture
2013 Misel Lecture in process
2014 Misel Lecture Q&A
2018 Misel Lecture
2016 Misel Lecture
Prof. Marcus answering questions
2016 Misel Lecture Q&A
2013 Misel Lecture Q&A
2013 Misel Lecture afterwards
Professor Francis Halzen and IceCube research center


"ICECUBE: Opening a Neutrino Window on the Universe from the South Pole"

Francis Halzen

Vilas and Gregory Breit Distinguished Professor
University of Wisconsin-Madison


Watch Online

Carlos Frenk


"How Our Universe Was Made: All From Nothing"

Carlos Frenk

Institute for Computational Cosmology

Durham University, England

Professor Charles Marcus


"Quantum Computing: Why, How, and When"

Charles Marcus

Center for Quantum Devices at the Niels Bohr Institute

Microsoft Quantum Lab in Copenhagen

Professor Nergis Mavalvala


"Gravitational Waves: A New Window to the Universe"

Nergis Mavalvala

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Wendy Freedman


"The Universe Continues to Reveal Surprises"

Wendy L. Freedman

University of Chicago

Professor John Preskill


"Quantum Computing & the Entanglement Frontier"

John Preskill

California Institute of Technology

Professor Joseph Polchinski


"Spacetime Versus the Quantum"

Joseph Polchinski

The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics & the University of California, Santa Barbara

Professor Andre Linde


"Universe or Multiverse"

Andrei Linde

Stanford University

Watch Online
Professor Eric Cornell


"Why is Warm Glass Stickier than Cold Glass"

Eric Cornell

University of Colorado, Boulder

Professor John Ellis


"Answering Gauguin's Questions with the LHC:
Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?"

John Ellis

Kings College London & CERN

Professor Roger Blandford


"The Dark Side of the Universe"

Roger Blandford

Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, Stanford University, & SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Professor N. David Mermin


"Spooky Actions at a Distance?"

N. David Mermin

Cornell University

Professor Helen Quinn


"Wandering Planets, Falling Apples, Curving Spaces, Whirling Stars: How Unraveling the Mysteries of Gravity Has Taught Us About the Universe"

Helen Quinn

Stanford University & SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Professor P. James E. Peebles


"Finding the Big Bang"

P. James E. Peebles

Princeton University

Professor Leo P. Kadanoff


"Making a Splash; Breaking a Neck: the Development of Complexity in Physical Systems"

Leo P. Kadanoff

University of Chicago

Professor Frank Wilczek


"The Origin of Mass and Feebleness of Gravity"

Frank Wilczek

Massachusetts Institute of Technology