Superconductivity magnet

Recent Advances in Superconductivity: Theory and Experiment

This workshop is sponsored by the Fine Theoretical Physics Institute at the University of Minnesota through the Simons Foundation, the Advanced Theoretical Physics Fund at the University of Florida, and the Institute for Fundamental Theory at the University of Florida.


"Recent Advances in Superconductivity: Theory and Experiment" 
December 14-16, 2023 
The University of Florida, Gainesville


Thursday, 12/14  ~ Friday, 12/15 ~ Saturday, 12/16

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Reitz Union
655 Reitz Union Drive 
Room - G320

8:30 - Pickup at Hotel Eleo - shuttles will leave promptly at 8:45

9:00 – 9:15       

9:15 – 9:20       

9:20 – 9:55
"Detecting collective modes of exotic superconductors using tunneling spectroscopy"
Patrick Lee
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

9:55 – 10:30
"Theory of pair-density-wave superconductivity from both weak and strong coupling"
Yiming Wu
Stanford University

10:30 – 11:00   
Coffee break

11:00 – 11:35 
"Mottness, Hundness and superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 and BEDT organic conductors"
Antoine Georges
Flatiron Institute

11:35 – 12:10
"Phonon, Plasmon and Exciton Mediated Superconductivity in Layered Superconductors" 
Andy Millis
Columbia University

12:10 – 12:45
"Coulomb Pseudopotential in metals: When multiple mistakes cancel out"
Nikolay Prokof’ev
University of Massachusetts Amherst

12:45 – 14:15   

14:15 – 14:50
"Effects of band-topology and geometry on superconductivity in the flat-band limit"
Debanjan Chowdhury
Cornell University

14:50 – 15:25
"Linear spectroscopy of Leggett modes and the gap structure in two-dimensional superconductors"
Erez Berg
Weizmann Institute of Science

15:25 – 15:45
"Density of States and Spectral Function of a Superconductor out of a Quantum-Critical Metal"
Shang-Shun Zhang
University of Minnesota

15:45 – 16:15   
Coffee break

16:15 – 16:50 
"Crucial role of vertex corrections for the magnetic pseudogap"
Mengxing Ye
The University of Utah

16:50 – 17:25 
"Bosonizing Fermi surfaces with coadjoint orbits"
Dam Son
The University of Chicago

17:25 – 18:00
"Pressure effects in boron-based superconductors”
James Hamlin
University of Florida

Dinner at the Arredono Café in Reitz Union 

21:00 - Pickup at Reitz Union to drop off at Hotel Eleo

Thursday, 12/14 ~ Friday, 12/15 ~ Saturday, 12/16    

Friday, December 15, 2023

Reitz Union
655 Reitz Union Drive 
Room – Chamber (ground level)

8:30 - Pickup at Hotel Eleo - shuttles will leave promptly at 8:45

9:00 – 9:15       

9:15 – 9:50
"Tunable Enhancement of Superconductivity in Spin-Orbit Proximitized Bernal Bilayer Graphene"
Stevan Nadj-Perge

9:50 – 10:25
"Thermally generated phase gradients, vortices and Josephson effects"
Leonid Levitov

10:25 – 10:55   
Coffee break

10:55 – 11:30 
"Cooper pair kinematics and quantum-critical superconductivity in tunable bands"
Zhiyu Dong
California Institute of Technology

11:30 – 12:05 
"The role of electrostatic effects in shaping the superconducting phase diagram of N-layer moiré graphene"
Cypran Lewandowskii
Florida State University

12:05 – 12:40
"Spin polarons and skyrmion superconductivity in topological bands: application to graphene moire heterostructures"
Eslam Khalaf
The University of Texas at Austin

12:40 – 14:15   

14:15 – 14:50
"Vestigial charge-4e order in multicomponent superconductor"
Rafael Fernandes
University of Minnesota

14:50 – 15:25
"Imaging a cascade of symmetry breaking states in kagome superconductors"
Ilija Zeljkovic
Boston College

15:25 – 15:45
"Superfluid stiffness in Eliashberg theory: the role of vertex corrections"
Zach Raines
University of Minnesota

15:45 – 16:15   
Coffee break

16:15 – 16:50  
"Thermally disordered antiferromagnets: connections to superconductivity and effects of random dilution"
Nick Bultinck
University of Oxford and Ghent University

16:50 – 17:25
"Superconductivity in multiband systems"
Hae-Young Kee
University of Toronto

17:25 – 17:45
"Thermodynamic transitions and topology of spin-triplet superconductivity: Application to UTe2"
Andreas Kreisel
Niels Bohr Institute

18:00 - Pickup at Reitz Union to drop off at Hotel Eleo

Thursday, 12/14 ~ Friday, 12/15 ~  Saturday, 12/16

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Reitz Union
655 Reitz Union Drive 
Room – Chamber (ground level)

8:30 Pickup at Hotel Eleo - shuttles will leave promptly at 8:45 

9:00 – 9:15       

9:15 – 9:50
"Spin-symmetry, superconductivity, and magnetism in non-symmorphic materials"
Daniel Agterberg
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

9:50 – 10:25
"Quasiparticle Berry curvature induced spectroscopic features in a topological superconductor"
Yi-Ting Hsu
University of Notre Dame

10:25 – 10:55   
Coffee break

10:55 – 11:30
"Interference-mediated pairing in dirty marginal Fermi liquids"
Matthew Foster
Rice University 

11:30 – 12:05
“A Heuristic bound on the superconducting Tc in conventional metals”
Ilya Esterlis
University of Wisconsin-Madison

12:05 – 12:40
"Hydrodynamics of Borromean Counterfluids"
Boris Svistunov
University of Massachusetts Amherst

12:40 – 14:15   

14:15 – 14:50
"Superconductivity from energy fluctuations: SrTiO3 and beyond"
Pavel Volkov
University of Connecticut

14:50 – 15:25
"Vortex Majorana modes in topologically trivial superconductors"
Ruixing Zhang
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

15:25 – 15:45
"Higher-order topological superconductivity in monolayer WTe2 from repulsive interactions"
Ammar Jahin
University of Florida

15:45 – 16:15
Coffee break

16:15 – 17:15
Discussion, additional presentations/clarifications

17:30 - Pickup at Reitz Union to drop off at Hotel Eleo

Daniel Agterberg headshot

Daniel Agterberg

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Erez Berg headshot outside with leaves

Erez Berg

Weizmann Institute of Science

Nick B headshot in maroon shirt against wall

Nick Bultinck

University of Oxford and Ghent University

Debanjan Chowdhury headshot suit with landscape

Debanjan Chowdhury

Cornell University

Zhiyu Dong headshot in front of black board

Zhiyu Dong

California Institute of Technology

I Esterlis headshot outside

Ilya Esterlis

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Rafael Fernandes headshot

Rafael Fernandes

University of Minnesota


Rice University

Antoine George headshot

Antoine Georges

Flatiron Institute

James Hamlin headshot

James Hamlin

University of Florida

Yi-Ting Hsu headshot

Yi-Ting Hsu

University of Notre Dame

Ammar Jahin headshot

Ammar Jahin

University of Florida

Hae_Young Kee headshot

Hae-Young Kee

University of Toronto

khalaf-eslam headshot

Eslam Khalaf

The University of Texas at Austin

Andreas Kreisel headshot

Andreas Kreisel

Niels Bohr Institute

PA Lee headshot

Patrick A. Lee

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Leonid Levitov headshot

Leonid Levitov

Massachusetts Institute of Technology




Florida State University

Andrew Millis headshot in office

Columbia University


Stevan Nadj-Perge headshot

Stevan Nadj-Perge



Nikolay Prokofiev

Nikolay Prokof'ev

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Zach Raines headshot in front of windows at night

Zachary "Zach" Raines

University of Minnesota

Dam T. Son headshot with blackboard

Dam T. Son

The University of Chicago

Boris Svistunov headshot outside

Boris Svistunov

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Pavel Volokov headshot in front of tree

Pavel Volkov

University of Connecticut

man with glasses and a brick with windows background

Yiming Wu

Stanford University

Mengxing Ye

Mengxing Ye

The University of Utah

Ilija Zeljkovic headshot

Ilija Zeljkovic

Boston College

Ruixing Zhang headshot

Ruixing Zhang

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Shangshun Zhang

Shang-Shun Zhang

University of Minnesota

Andrey Chubukov headshot

Andrey Chubukov

FTPI, University of Minnesota

Dmitrii Maslov headshot on outside bench

Dmitrii Maslov

University of Florida

Yuxuan Wang

Yuxuan Wang

University of Florida


Workshop Location

Reitz Union

655 Reitz Union Drive 

Thursday in Room G320 (ground level)
Friday and Saturday in the Chamber (ground level)

Reitz Union University of Florida





Banquet Location

Arredondo Café in the Reitz Union

Thursday, December 14th 

6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Arredondo Café entrance





Dining on Campus

For a list of available dining options on campus and their hours, visit



Rooms will be provided for workshop speakers from Wednesday, December 13th - Saturday, December 16th (checking out on Sunday, December 17th). There will be a shuttles to transport guests between the hotel and Reitz Union. 

Hotel Eleo at the University of Florida
1514 SW 14th St, Gainesville, FL 32608

Hotel Eleo areial view

There will be vans with a UF Health wrap to pick up and drop off participants at the hotel and Reitz Union each day.  Pickup - The driver will get to the hotel about 8:30 each morning and go into the lobby to announce that they are there. The vans will leave promptly at 8:45. Drop-off - The Reitz drop-off/pickup will be in the roundabout outside the ground floor entrance.

Thursday, 12/14
Pickup - 8:45 at Hotel Eleo to drop off at Reitz Union
Pickup - 21:30 (after workshop dinner) at Reitz Union to drop off at Hotel Eleo

Friday, 12/15
Pickup - 8:45 at Hotel Eleo to drop off at Reitz Union
Pickup - 18:00 at Reitz Union to drop off at Hotel Eleo

Saturday, 12/16
Pickup - 8:45 at Hotel Eleo to drop off at Reitz Union
Pickup - 17:30 at Reitz Union to drop off at Hotel Eleo



Please see our Google folder for pictures from the workshop.