Hailong Cui's main research interest is Supply Chain (Sustainability) and Retail Operations (Returns, Food/Grocery Delivery). He utilizes primary/secondary data, analytical models (optimization, game theory), empirical methods (causal inference, structural estimation), and machine learning (high-dimensional statistics, deep learning) to study operational innovations and strategies to improve environmental, economic, and societal outcomes.
He is particularly interested in high-impact problems inspired by real-world challenges. He has extensive experience working with manufacturing, service, finance, and supply chain companies as well as technology start-ups. His research has been published in journals including Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and European Journal of Operational Research.
- Ph.D. 2020
Data Sciences and Operations, USC Marshall
- M.S. 2010
Statistics, Arizona State University
- B.S. 2006
Mathematics, POSTECH, South Korea