Ph.D. Program
The Ph.D. program prepares students for academic careers as faculty members and for positions in industry that require advanced skills in analytics and operations research. We offer advanced, rigorous coursework and exciting research opportunities, which culminate in a Ph.D. dissertation. Our program enrolls students with backgrounds in applied or pure mathematics, engineering, computer science, statistics, or basic sciences.
Ph.D. Curriculum
For students who aspire to conduct research at an academic, industry, or government institution, the University of Minnesota's Ph.D. program in Industrial and Systems Engineering provides the advanced preparation in analytics and operations research needed to succeed. Students in the ISyE Ph.D. program complete challenging and rigorous coursework and conduct research that culminates in a Ph.D. dissertation.
Students with a Ph.D. in ISyE Become...
- Professors
- Research Scientists
- Data Scientists
- Operations Researchers
- R&D Engineers
- Consultants

Join Our Program
Follow the link below for information on how to apply to the Industrial and Systems Engineering Ph.D. program.