UMTYMP Summer Camp
We are pleased to announce the return of our UMTYMP Summer Program, for students who are completing UMTYMP Algebra or Precalculus during the 2024-2025 school year.
The summer program will broaden students’ mathematical horizons by introducing them to a wide range of stimulating mathematics. Members of the UMTYMP instructional staff will present some of their favorite mathematical gems at a level appropriate for UMTYMP students. How does Google Maps find the fastest route from Point A to Point B? What does a simple video game like Asteroids teach us about the shape of the universe? What would it be like to run a hotel with infinitely many rooms? What can origami teach us about geometry?
Workshop Logistics
- UMTYMP Summer Camp will be held on July 8th through 11th, 2025.
- Students will meet each day from 9am to 4pm at the University of Minnesota - Minneapolis campus.
- Transportation and lunch are not provided and are the responsibility of the attendees and their families. Students should bring sack lunches. During registration, you can indicate if you would like your information shared on a carpool list.
- About a week prior to the event, students will receive a reminder via e-mail with logistics including address and parking information.
- Cost is $150 for the entire event.
- Scholarship funds are available for students based on financial need. Please inquire with [email protected] for scholarship information.
Family Agreement
By completing the registration form, student and parent(s) are confirming that they reviewed and discussed the following points.
- Must be prepared to have fun while learning mathematics!
- Must behave responsibly -- stay with your group, use a quiet voice while in class and on break, clean up after yourself, and respect the property of other participants, staff and the University.
- Must be respectful in words and actions to other students, teachers and assistants. Students will respond respectfully to the authority of the teacher and teaching assistants.
- Must punctually drop-off and pick-up students.
- Agree that MathCEP has the right to take photos for the purpose of promotional materials.
Sign up for UMTYMP Summer Camp
Two short essays are required for admission, along with the payment, so students and a parent/guardian should sit down together to fill out the online forms.