Collaborators and Publications
Collaborating Research Centers
Minnesota Nano Center
The Minnesota Nano Center is a state-of-the-art facility for interdisciplinary research in nanoscience and applied nanotechnology.
Penn State 2-Dimensional Crystal Consortium
The 2DCC-MIP is a national user facility, supported by the National Science Foundation, that is focused on the development of two dimensional (2D) chalcogenides for applications in next generation electronics beyond silicon for digital circuits and flexible electronics. These materials include 2D transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) films that are only a few atoms thick, topological insulator (TI) bismuth chalcogenide films that only conduct on the 2D surface, and multilayers of dissimilar chalcogenide films whose properties are dominated by 2D interfaces.
Individual Collaborators
Tony Low Lab
The Tony Low Lab is a theory and computational group interested in the understanding and design of nanomaterials and nanodevices.
Mehmet Topsakal
Mehmet Topsakal on ResearchGate.
V. Ongun Özçelik, Javad G. Azadani, Ce Yang, Steven J. Koester, Tony Low. 2016. Band alignment of two-dimensional semiconductors for designing heterostructures with momentum space matching. Phys. Rev. B. 94(3):035125