
Upcoming Events

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Past Events

CharFac Road Show

CharFac presents its capabilities and past research to a number of industry professionals at 3M.

IPRIME Midyear Workshop

This event included an adjacent poster session held by several CharFac scientists.

CharFac Open House and ‘Lunch and Learn’

In August 2019, CharFac held an all-day open house in Shepherd including AM/PM poster sessions on common instrumentation and methods plus “lunch & learn” talks on recent or upcoming additions. We intend to repeat such events multiple times per year, including departmental venues.

The poster session is a great opportunity to have casual discussions with staff experts, whether for introduction to capabilities, questions of feasibility, or to engage in brainstorming. Among the lunchtime slides was a comprehensive list ( of data-generating instrumentation. Highlighted therein are systems added since 2017, an unprecedented period for both additions and replacements, in some cases leaping forward several instrument generations.

Staff experts are eager to discuss both new frontiers in analytical methods and improvements to familiar work as provided by modernized systems.


I-Prime Annual Meeting

This is the Annual Gathering for all the I-Prime Members

View the IPRIME Event page