Staff member standing at the CSE-IT service desk in the basement of Lind Hall

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CSE Service Status

1/29/2025 - The Departmental Data Storage service ( will be unavailable from 10am-1pm today as OIT migrates the service to new, upgraded infrastructure. To avoid data loss, do not access or use during that time.

1/24/2025 - Math Assessment Tool is experiencing intermittent slowdowns. Investigation is ongoing.

University Service Status

For University-wide notices view OIT Service Status.


CSE-IT Out Of Support Operating System Upgrades

As we approach End Of Life for operating systems running on CSE-IT managed machines, CSE-IT will be starting a concentrated effort to upgrade any machines running such an OS to a more recent and

Upcoming Linux Web Browser Changes

Upcoming Linux Web Browser Changes

[RESOLVED] Vole Cluster Login Errors

[12/3, 10:00am CST] VOLE is back online and accepting user connections. Work has concluded on the issue, and this Major Incident is resolved. If you encounter any further issues connecting to VOLE,