purple butterfly looking vector with logos

New Insights into Quantum Materials: Scattering, Other Probes, and Theory

This workshop is sponsored by the US Department of Energy, through the UMN Center for Quantum Materials, and by the Simons Foundation, through the UMN Fine Theoretical Physics Institute.



New Insights into Quantum Materials: Scattering, Other Probes, and Theory
May 21-23, 2024

The workshop will be held in Kenneth H. Keller Hall 3-180

Tuesday, 5/21 ~ Wednesday, 5/22 ~ Thursday, 5/23

Tuesday, 5/21

8:30 - 8:55 am 
Light Breakfast 

Session Chair - Chris Leighton, University of Minnesota

8:55 - 9:00 am
Martin Greven

9:00– 9:35 am
Physics of delafossite metals 
Andrew Mackenzie
Max-Planck-Institute, Dresden

9:35 – 10:10 am 
Chirality switching in a van der Waals multiferroic
Riccardo Comin
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

10:10 – 10:40 am 
Coffee Break 

10:40 – 11:15 am 
Long and short range magnetic order in 2D layered van der Waals materials 
Stuart Calder

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

11:15– 11:50 am 
Thermal Hall effect in insulating van der Waals magnets 
Xianglin Ke
Michigan State University

11:50 – 1:20 pm 
Lunch Break (on your own)

Session Chair: Turan Birol, University of Minnesota

1:20 – 1:55 pm
Modulated phases in quantum ferroelectrics 
Peter Littlewood
The University of Chicago

1:55 – 2:30 pm 
Unraveling the electron-phonon coupling in strontium titanate 
Damjan Pelc

University of Zagreb, Croatia

2:30 – 3:05 pm
Spatiotemporal Orders in Driven Ferroelectrics 
Premala Chandra
Rutgers University

3:05 – 3:35 pm
Coffee Break

3:35 – 4:10 pm
The Role of Structural Correlations in Electronic Phase Transitions 
Raymond Osborn
Argonne National Laboratory

4:10 – 4:45 pm
Under the Nano-Lens: Imaging Quantum Materials through Near-field Optics 
Alexander McLeod

University of Minnesota

4:45 - 6:15 pm 
Poster Session

Tuesday, 5/21 ~ Wednesday, 5/22 ~ Thursday, 5/23

Wednesday, 5/22

8:30 - 9:00 am 
Light Breakfast 

Session Chair: Peter Littlewood, The University of Chicago

9:00 – 9:35 am  
Fairly convincing evidence of the existence of Pair-Density-Wave order in certain cuprate high-temperature superconductors with particularly low Tcs 
Steven Kivelson

Stanford University

9:35 – 10:10 am 
Filling constraints in systems with conserved dipole moment: generalizing the Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem to higher multipole moments
Fiona Burnell
University of Minnesota

10:10 – 10:40 am 
Coffee Break 

10:40 – 11:15 am
Magnetic excitations in uranium ditelluride 
Nicholas Butch
University of Maryland

11:15 – 11:50 am
Intertwined charge density waves in TiSe2 
Maria Navarro Gastiasoro
Donostia International Physics Center, Spain

 11:50 – 1:20 pm
Lunch Break (on your own)

Session Chair: Ray Osborn, Argonne National Laboratory

1:20 – 1:55 pm
Magnetic molecular orbitals observed with neutron scattering 
Yuan Li

Peking University 

1:55 – 2:30 pm
Sleuthing spin liquidity in cerium based pyrochlores with neutrons and beyond 
Hitesh Changlani

Florida State University and 
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

2:30 – 3:05 pm 
Quantum fluctuations on triangular lattices of Ising spins 
Collin Broholm
Johns Hopkins University

3:05 – 3:35 pm
Coffee Break 

3:35 – 4:10 pm
Neutron scattering and muSR studies on the phases of Na2Co2TeO6 
Jie Ma
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

4:10 – 4:45 pm
The theoretical framework of "Su(n)ny”
Cristian Batista

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

We suggest visiting the Weisman Art Museum (free admission) before the dinner. 

6:00 pm 
Workshop Banquet
McNamara Alumni Center
University Hall
200 Oak St. SE


Tuesday, 5/21 ~ Wednesday, 5/22 ~ Thursday, 5/23

Thursday, 5/23

8:30 - 9:00 am 
Light Breakfast 

Session Chair: Collin Broholm, Johns Hopkins University

9:00 – 9:35 am
Fluctuation-driven phenomena in the kagome-net magnets RMn6Sn6 
Igor Mazin
George Mason University

9:35 – 10:10 am
Geometrically and magnetically driven ferroelectricity in perovskite crystals
Xianghan Xu
Princeton University; University of Minnesota - fall 2024

10:10 – 10:45 am
Coffee Break

10:45 – 11:15 am
Flat Bands in Bulk Quantum Materials 
Ming Yi

Rice University 

11:15 – 11:50 am 
Symmetry breaking in Kagome metal systems probed by electronic Raman spectroscopy 
Girsh Blumberg

Rutgers University


Cristian Batista headshot

Cristian Batista

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Girsh Blumberg headshot

Girsh Blumberg

Rutgers University

Collin Broholm headshot

Collin Broholm

Johns Hopkins University

Fiona Burnell headshot

Fiona Burnell

University of Minnesota

Nicholas Butch headshot

Nicholas Butch 

University of Maryland

Stuart A Calder headshot

Stuart A. Calder

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Premi Chandra headshot

Premala Chandra

Rutgers University

Hitesh Changlani headshot

Hitesh Changlani

Florida State University and 
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Riccardo Comin headshot

Riccardo Comin

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Xianglin Ke headshot

Xianglin Ke

Michigan State University


Steven Kivelson headshot

Steven Kivelson

Stanford University


Yuan Li Headshot

Yuan Li

Peking University

Peter Littlewood headshot

Peter Littlewood

The University of Chicago

Jie Ma headshot

Jie Ma

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Andrew Mackenzie MPI headshot

Andrew Mackenzie 

Max-Planck-Institute, Dresden

Igor Mazin headshot

Igor Mazin 

George Mason University

Alexander McLeod headshot

Alexander McLeod

University of Minnesota


maria-navarro-gastiasoro headshot

Maria Navarro Gastiasoro 

Donostia International Physics Center, Spain

Raymond Osborn headshot

Raymond Osborn

Argonne National Laboratory

damjan pelc headshot

Damjan Pelc 

University of Zagreb, Croatia


Ming Yi headshot

Ming Yi

Rice University

Xianghan Xu headshot

Xianghan Xu

Princeton University; University of Minnesota - fall 2024

headshot of man outside with greenery background

Turan Birol

Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
University of Minnesota

Martin Greven headshot

Martin Greven

School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Minnesota

Man in front of brick building

Chris Leighton

Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
University of Minnesota

Boris Shklovskii headshot white background

Boris Shklovskii

Fine Theoretical Physics Institute
School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Minnesota


Please see our Google drive folder for workshop photos. 

Presentation Recordings
New Insights into Quantum Materials thumbnail with sponsor logos


All recordings are available on FTPI's YouTube channel.