2022-23 AEM Undergraduate Scholarships

Congratulations to the 2022-2023 AEM Scholarship Recipients!

We are excited to share with you a bit about the recipients’ background and future plans.

3M Diversity Scholarship

Vincent Twin

AEM Strategic Initiatives Fund

Erne Habegger McCabe


I am a senior in the Aerospace Department who is originally from San Francisco. Receiving this scholarship allows me to focus on my education with less anxiety over financing it. After graduating, I hope to work in industry for a few years before pursuing a master's degree.

Joseph Janisch 


My name is Joseph Janisch and I am currently a junior in the Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics major. I am incredibly grateful to receive this scholarship, as it provides me the opportunity to spend more time focusing on my studies, classes, and hobbies outside of school during the semester. When I am not at Akerman Hall or the library, I enjoy playing music and spending time with my friends. After graduation, I plan to pursue further studies in the field of fluid mechanics and aerodynamics!

Isabelle Vanhatten 


I am a junior in Aerospace with minors in Astrophysics and Spanish. The scholarship has helped me be less financially stressed so I can focus on doing well in school rather than working. I will be working as an intern at Blue Origin as a Systems Engineering this summer and plan to go directly into industry after graduation.

Jacob Wood

Robert K Anderson Scholarship

Benjamin Toriseva

AEM Alumni Scholarship Fund

Feodor Blinnikov

Ethan Colby

Richard D. and Wyona R. Bartsch AEM Scholarship

Greta Elliott 

Greta Elliott

Greta is currently a senior in the Aerospace Engineering Program. The Richard D. and Wyona R. Bartsch AEM Scholarship has aided Greta to be able to dedicate more time to her studies in order to pursue a career in the aerospace industry. Come graduation in May, Greta plans to enter the commercial aerospace industry and is grateful for the education she has received from the University.

Nathan Gall 


I am currently a sophomore at UMN, and am in my first year as a declared major in the AEM department. Besides the monetary benefits of the scholarship, it truly means a lot to me that someone has faith in my future and abilities to invest in it. At some point in my future, I would like to do academic research, so I plan to pursue a graduate education, whether it be immediately after graduation or a few years in the industry is yet to be determined.

Peter Hartford 




I am currently a senior in the Aerospace Department, and I'm also a researcher with the Flow Field Imaging Lab and a leader on the Rocket Team. I hope to go to graduate school next fall in Europe to pursue a master’s degree. This scholarship is important to me because it alleviates a lot of stress by finding funding for school and overall life. 

Kevin Klatt 


This scholarship is a nice reminder that I know what I am doing, it provides a sense of reassurance as I approach graduation. I have not yet found a job, but I am looking to go into embedded systems design. Immediately after graduation, however, I will be working this summer as a line cook at Glacier National Park.

Glenn E. Bowie Educational Fund

Justin Dang




I am a fourth-year Aerospace major and will graduate this spring! After graduation, I will work in the defense sector at Northrop Grumman Armament Systems. This scholarship has enabled me to continue my education and finish out my time here at the University.

Ryleigh McGiveron 


I am currently a junior majoring in Aerospace with minors in both Computer Science and Astrophysics. Upon graduation, I plan to go into industry and pursue a career that ties together both aerospace and software. This scholarship really means a lot to me, it eases some of the financial stress that revolves around school.

Erica Powers

Richard G. Brasket AEM Scholarship 

Bryce Daniels 


I am currently a senior in AEM and will be graduating in the spring! Most of this scholarship will be used to help pay off tuition, but it will also allow me to do more things I enjoy outside of school (skiing, biking, etc.). I have been working at the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory for the past eight months researching propeller wash generated from wake surfing boats. In January, I am starting an internship with the Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratory in Eagan, Minnesota. I am planning to continue my education past undergrad and working towards a master’s degree in aerospace engineering.

Eric Stoudt 


I am a second year AEM student at the U of M, originally from the Philadelphia area. To me, the Brasket Scholarship not only serves to advance my education but also acts as a reminder that all the hard work I have been putting into my studies over the years has been worthwhile. In addition to my academic pursuits, I participate in the University of Minnesota Marching Band and Gold Pep Band, playing tuba in both. Outside of school, I enjoy playing bass guitar and organ and seeking thrills on roller coasters at various amusement parks.


James D. Clausen Scholarship

Travis Fetting 


I am a third-year Aerospace Engineering student planning to minor in Astrophysics. Receiving the James D. Clausen Scholarship means a lot to me because it eases the financial burden of my schooling and allows me to invest more in my future as an engineer. I am involved in multiple extracurricular activities, mainly the University of Minnesota Marching Band and the Solar Vehicle Project. My hope is that this fall I will be able to accompany the SVP to Australia to race our new car against teams from around the world in the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge.

CSE Scholarship Fund

Rachel Strasser

Richard & Shirley DeLeo Scholarship & Engineering Fund

Joshua Bugel 

Daniel Halvorson 


I am currently a junior in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics. I am very grateful to have received the Richard and Shirley DeLeo scholarship as it will help me stay focused on my studies as I pursue my degree and help give me flexibility in my education. Through the AEM department’s curriculum and student groups, I have been able to pursue and expand my interests in aerospace and have had many opportunities to grow as a student and engineer. After graduation, I plan to enter industry, preferably in aviation.

Samuel Hudec 


I am currently a junior in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Minnesota. This scholarship will help me to achieve my goals of getting a degree in Aerospace Engineering and help to send humans to Mars and the Moon. With this scholarship, I will be one step closer to those goals.

Bodie Ziertman 


I am a third year AEM.  I am very thankful to receive a BAEM undergraduate scholarship because the financial support will allow me to continue spending my time participating in extracurriculars, plus it is nice to be recognized. My plans for the future include a summer internship (hopefully) and continuing with extracurricular teams. Deciding between a job or more school after graduation is still something I would rather push off.

S. Blank & A. Elliott Scholarship

Rick Marcusen

John and Sally Evert CSE Scholarship

Samuel Hudec

Chester Gaskell Aeronautical Engineering Scholarship

Macy Bauers 


I am a 4th-year undergraduate graduating May 2023. I am so grateful for the support of this scholarship as it takes off some of the financial burdens for my final semester of school. This is the second scholarship I have received from the department, and the extra help goes a long way in supporting my education. I plan to work as a new product development engineer for a medical device company after my graduation.

Austin Bodin 


I am a fourth-year student in the AEM program. Getting to know the students and faculty of this department has been a great experience. This scholarship is incredibly impactful to me, as it will help me further my studies as I pursue graduate school in the coming years.

Sam Prokott 


I am currently a junior in the AEM program. I am planning to go on to graduate school after I complete my undergraduate degree at UMN. The Chester Gaskell scholarship will alleviate some of the financial burdens that paying for an undergraduate degree imposes and will allow me to put more money away for graduate school. After graduate school, I would like to work at a commercial spaceflight company that focuses on spacecraft technology with applications to either space exploration or making life on Earth better.

Michael States 


I am a sophomore studying for a bachelor’s in Aerospace Engineering. I am grateful and extremely fortunate to have received the Chester Gaskell Scholarship, whose support allows me to dedicate more focus to the academic side of education rather than the financial side of education. I intend to continue pursuing my bachelor’s as well as learning a second language and studying abroad.

Goldman Scholarship 

George Wood 

Lawrence E. Goodman Scholarship

Garvin Saner 


I am currently a senior in Aerospace, and I expect to graduate in the spring. After graduating, I hope to continue my studies in graduate school, focusing on plasma science and/or propulsion. I am extremely grateful to have received this scholarship, and for all the opportunities that studying at the University of Minnesota has provided me.

Christopher Hansen Scholarship

Henry Menken

The Eric W. Harslem Scholarship for Aerospace Engineering

Ryan Allen 


I am a non-traditional student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics with a minor in Astrophysics. I am grateful and honored to have received the Eric W. Harslem Scholarship. After graduation, I hope to enter the space sector and continue my work with liquid rocket engines and solid motors. I have very much enjoyed my time with the AEM Department and am excited for what the future holds!


Robert H & Marjorie F Jewett Fund within AEM

Alfonso Lanauze-Baez 


I am currently a fourth-year student studying Aerospace Engineering. Receiving this scholarship is incredibly important to me since it lessens my financial burden and allows me to continue pursuing my education here at the University of Minnesota. After graduation, I hope to get a job in the space industry and pursue a master's degree later in my career. One field that I find interesting and would love to pursue is hypersonics.

Gabriel Lundin 


I am a graduating Aerospace Engineering senior, with minors in Astrophysics and Computer Science. This scholarship is extremely important to me because it would be impossible for me to attend college without it. I cannot thank the donors enough for this opportunity, and I hope I will someday be able to help a college student in the same way they have helped me. In the future, I plan to attend graduate school and earn a Ph.D. in Aerospace. Afterward, I will hopefully secure employment with an agency such as NASA or begin teaching at a college level. Through my work and research, I want to pursue my interests in deep space travel and colonization. My goal is to help reduce costs and increase accessibility of space travel so that anyone, no matter their background, has the opportunity to partake in this field.

Ebise Teshale 


My name is Ebise Teshale and I am a senior majoring in Aerospace Engineering. After graduation, I plan to go to graduate school and pursue a Ph.D. I was very encouraged by the Robert H. & Marjorie F. Jewett Fund Scholarship and it helped alleviate some of my financial burdens. I am grateful to the AEM Department and my professors for awarding me this scholarship.

Lemberg Engineering Scholarship Fund

Cooper Grau-Firkus

Frank Louk Scholarship

Nicholas Niziolek

John and Robert McCollom Memorial Scholarship 

Feodor Blinnikov 


I am a junior in AEM, with an interest in dynamics, control theory, and fluid mechanics. It is a great honor to have my academic efforts appreciated, and I couldn't be happier with the opportunity I've been given to pursue my dreams. There's no way I could be making this journey alone, though.  I'd like to thank all my professors for their wisdom and assistance, and all the great people I've met in my classes so far for their insight and companionship. My future plans currently include at least some level of further education to deepen my engineering expertise, before I branch out and hopefully make some strides into the aerospace industry. Thank you!

Ethan Kolby


I am a junior AEM student in the University Honors Program, minoring in Computer Science. This scholarship allows me to give my full attention to school and classes, without having to worry as much about my finances. In the future, I hope to get a job working on drone technology, though I may come back to university to get a master's degree.

Rick Marcusen 


I am a senior in the Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics department, and this year I was a recipient of the John and Robert McCollom Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship means a lot to me, awards like this really help to lessen the financial burden of school, and I'm really grateful to have received it. After graduating this year, I hope to further my Aerospace Engineering education by attending graduate school, and one day I hope to work on deep space probes.

Rose Minkin Aerospace Engineering Scholarship

Mykhail Sandacz

Ryan Schwartz 


I am currently a junior here at the University of Minnesota. I am beyond honored and grateful to receive this award. This scholarship means as much to me as anything here at college. Receiving this scholarship has shown me that I am right where I belong here in the Aerospace Department. My goal for the future is to be working in the forefront of innovation in the aerospace industry. I want to be where the boundaries of what is possible are stretched every day.

Andrew Spence 




I am a junior studying Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics and am an active member in AIAA and on the University’s club tennis team. This scholarship is a great honor and proves to me that my hard work in classes is noticed. I hope to graduate in the spring of 2024 with my bachelor’s degree. After graduation, I hope to go into industry for any company that piques my interest.

Albert George Oswald Prize

Apurva Balaji 


I am a sophomore majoring in Aerospace Engineering. I am incredibly grateful for this scholarship as it can lower my cost of attendance and support my future endeavors. After my undergraduate career, I plan to get a master's in Engineering and Business and explore the aerospace industry – specifically careers related to space exploration.

Society of Women Engineering Scholarship Fund

Erne Habegger Mc Cabe

Louis R. and Dona S. Wagner Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Scholarship

George Wood

Glen Ullyot Scholarship

Keegan Glover

Lee S. Whitson Scholarship Fund

Nicklaus Gill

Dylan Bruesehoff