Chasing the Moon’s Shadow

Annular eclipse team (l to r): Jesse, Prof. Flaten, Jasmine, Jess, Ashton, Alex, Seyon, Ethan, Yoel.
Annular Eclipse team (left to right): Jesse, Prof. Flaten, Jasmine, Jess, Ashton, Alex, Seyon, Ethan, Yoel.


MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL (12/08/2023)—On Wednesday, October 11, 2023, after packing all of the essential equipment, the University of Minnesota’s Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project (NEBP), an all-undergraduate team (plus Prof. Flaten!) set off for New Mexico to study an annular solar eclipse from stratospheric ballooning platforms.

After the two-day, nearly-20-hour drive, the team arrived in New Mexico. They scoped out the area and visited potential launch and ground station sites. Through this, to the great pleasure of the team members, they discovered that the launch site they settled on had puppies(!), cared for by the town’s residents.

Prof Flaten with puppy
Professor Flaten receives kisses from an eclipse puppy.


Jasmine with puppy
Jasmine cuddling with puppy prior to launch.
Ethan with puppy
Ethan and puppy friend getting ready to launch. 

Saturday, October 14th, was finally the day of the eclipse. The ground station crew, Alex Halatsis, Jesse Cook, Jess Glamm, drove to Vaughn, New Mexico, and the launch site crew, Jasmine Thayer, Prof Flaten, Ashton Posey, Seyon Wallo, Yoel Mekbeb, Ethan Thompson-Jewell, drove to the town of Willard, New Mexico. The launch crew quickly got set up and prepared payloads for two “stacks” to fly. Two stratospheric balloons were launched during the eclipse. The first balloon (a non-NEBP balloon) was launched at about 9 am (MST), with the second one (the NEBP balloon) launching at about 9:30 am (MST).

getting ready for launch
The ground crew getting ready for launch.
launching! 2.
watching the launch
Seyon and Yoel watching the launch.

Once they were launched, it was time to observe the “ring of fire” eclipse. The team’s SunSpotter solar telescope was a hit among team members and others in Willard who were observing the eclipse from there. The team also live-streamed a ground view of the eclipse from team member Ashton’s phone on their Instagram account, nasa_mnsgc.

The near-complete 'ring of fire' captured by the SunSpotter.
The near-complete 'ring of fire' captured by the SunSpotter.
The live-streamed ground view of the eclipse.
The live-streamed ground view of the eclipse.
A member of the community watching the eclipse on the SunSpotter.
A member of the community watching the eclipse on the SunSpotter. 

After the eclipse was over, the team packed up their equipment and started chasing both payloads. The NEBP one, in particular, drifted a long way because the cut mechanism failed so it returned to the ground slowly “under (vented) balloon” rather than faster “under parachute.” When both stacks were recovered, data and footage were reviewed and the team made the long drive back to Minnesota, returning on Monday, October 16. 


payload recovery
NEBP stack, which landed "under balloon."
Non-NEBP stack, which came down by parachute. 
One of the payloads on display at the 2023 AEM open house.
A balloon stack on display in the main Akerman stairwell during the 2023 AEM open house. 

The following week, the team displayed hardware flown during the eclipse and shared short video clips from a 360-degree camera on the NEBP stack at the AEM Open House on October 26. The videos included footage of the launch, the payload at altitude, and the landing

(Left to Right) Jasmine, Yoel, Ethan, Ashton, and Seyon pose with the recovered payloads.
(Left to right) Jasmine, Yoel, Ethan, Ashton, and Seyon pose with the recovered payloads. 
Eclipse team at 2023 AEM open house
The team speaks with students at the AEM open house on October 26.

Next spring, the team will travel to Indiana to fly additional balloon-borne experiments during a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. This time, they will be in the path of totality when the moon completely blocks out the face of the sun for several minutes. Flight camera footage from the total eclipse promises to be more dramatic.

Check back on the AEM News & Features page and the AEM Instagram page for updates and articles on their progress. 

