
Explore the options and begin charting your course of study here. 

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Course availability varies by semester. For a list of available courses, please search for "classes" on One Stop.Quick Class Schedules and Course Description (TwoStop)
Some courses must be taken sequentially or have prerequisites. For more information, please refer to Undergraduate Degree Requirements or Graduate Degree Requirements. We also strongly recommend that you review your course plan with your adviser.

Course Catalog

AEM Current Courses with Web pages.

AEM Student Records Systems  Status of your classes, submit one year plans, download lab files, find your advisor, reactive your Computer Account 
Note: The AEM Department issues Course Permission Numbers through the SRS on-line system. 
View General Course Syllabi.  Detailed descriptions and outline of course prerequisites, objectives, expected outcomes, weekly topics, and grading. 



Student Records System: Status of your classes, submit one-year plans, download lab files, find your advisor, reactive your computer account (SRS Manual). 

Please note: The AEM Department issues Course Permission Numbers through our SRS online system. Please see Course Permission Number instructions for more details. The registration system doesn't recognize AP credits, transfer credits, or equivalent U of MN credits.  If any of the prerequisite courses you have taken are in that group, you will need a permission number.

University Registration Information:   University resources regarding, registration, including how to prepare to register for classes.

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Undergraduate Courses

1000 Level Courses

AEM 1301 - Ballooning: Design, Build, and Fly (offered every Fall)
AEM 1303 - Aircraft: Design, Build, and Fly (offered every Spring)

2000 Level Courses

AEM 2011 - Statics (required for entrance into BAEM Major, offered every Fall, Spring & Summer)
AEM 2012 - Dynamics (offered every Fall, Spring & Summer)
AEM 2021 - Statics and Dynamics (offered every Fall & Spring)
AEM 2301 - Mechanics of Flight (offered every Spring)

3000 Level Courses

Required for BAEM Major

AEM 3031 - Deformable Body Mechanics (offered every Fall, Spring & Summer)
AEM 3100 - Software Applications in AEM (offered periodic Fall & Spring)
AEM 3101 - Mathematical Modeling and Simulation in Aerospace Engineering* (offered every Fall)
AEM 3103 – Computer Methods in Aerospace Engineering.
AEM 3391 - Independent Design Project (offered every Spring)

*This course is no longer offered. To satisfy this requirement, take AEM 3103 Computer Methods in Aerospace Engineering instead.

4000 Level Courses

Required for BAEM Major

AEM 4201 - Fluid Mechanics (offered every Fall)
AEM 4202 - Aerodynamics (offered every Spring)
AEM 4203 - Aerospace Propulsion (offered every Spring)
AEM 4301 - Orbital Mechanics(offered every Spring)
AEM 4303W - Flight Dynamics and Control (offered every Spring)
AEM 4321 – Automatic Control Systems
AEM 4331 - Aerospace Vehicle Design (offered every Fall)
AEM 4501 - Aerospace Structures (offered every Spring)
AEM 4601 - Instrumentation Laboratory (offered every Spring)
AEM 4602W - Aeromechanics Laboratory (offered every Fall)

Technical Electives - Fluids

AEM 4293 - Directed Studies in Fluid Mechanics (offered every Fall & Spring)
AEM 4290 - Special Topics in Fluid Mechanics (offered periodic Fall & Spring)
AEM 4247 - Hypersonic Aerodynamics (Honors students may take AEM 5247) (offered Spring semester of odd years)
AEM 4253 - Computational Fluid Mechanics (Honors students may take AEM 5253) (offered every Fall)

Technical Electives - Aerospace Systems

AEM 4305 - Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics and Control (offered every Spring)
AEM 4333 - Aerospace Design: Special Projects (offered every Spring)
AEM 4391 - Independent Design Project (offered when 4333 is not offered)
AEM 4490 - Special Topics in Aerospace Systems (offered periodic Fall & Spring)
AEM 4493 - Directed Studies in Aerospace Systems (offered every Fall & Spring)
AEM 5401 - Intermediate Dynamics (offered every Fall)
AEM 5431 - Trajectory Optimization (offered periodic Fall & Spring)
AEM 5441 - Structural Dynamics (offered periodic Fall)
AEM 5451 - Optimal Estimation (offered Fall semester of even years)
AEM 5651 - Aeroelasticity (offered every Fall)

Technical Electives - Structures and Solids

AEM 4502 - Computational Structural Analysis (offered Fall semester of odd years)
AEM 4511 - Mechanics of Composite Materials (offered every Spring)
AEM 4581 - Mechanics of Solids (Honors students may take AEM 5581) (offered Fall semester of even years)
AEM 4590 - Special Topics in Solid Mechanics and Materials (offered periodic Fall & Spring)
AEM 4593 - Directed Studies: Solid Mechanics (offered every Fall & Spring)
AEM 5501 - Continuum Mechanics (offered every Fall)
AEM 5503 - Theory of Elasticity (offered every Spring)

Internship and Honors Thesis Courses

AEM 4796 - Professional Experience (offered every Fall, Spring, & Summer)
AEM 4894H - Senior Honors Thesis (offered every Spring)
AEM 4896 - International Professional Experience (offered every Fall, Spring, & Summer)


**The most current course schedules and information can be found on One Stop.**

Graduate Courses

5000 Level Courses

AEM 5247 - Hypersonic Aerodynamics (offered Spring semester of odd years)
AEM 5253 - Computational Fluid Mechanics (offered every Fall)
AEM 5321 - Modern Feedback Control (offered every Fall)
AEM 5333 - Design-to-Flight: Small Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles (offered Periodic Spring)
AEM 5401 - Intermediate Dynamics (offered every Fall)
AEM 5451 - Optimal Estimation (offered Fall semester of even years)
AEM 5501 - Continuum Mechanics (offered every Fall)
AEM 5503 - Theory of Elasticity (offered every Spring)
AEM 5581 - Mechanics of Solids (offered Fall semester of even years)
AEM 5651 - Aeroelasticity (offered every Fall)

The most current course schedules and information can be found on One Stop.

8000 Level Courses

AEM 8000 - Seminar: Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics (offered every Fall & Spring)
AEM 8201 - Fluid Mechanics I (offered every Fall)
AEM 8202 - Fluid Mechanics II (offered every Spring)
AEM 8203 - Fluid Mechanics III (offered every Fall)
AEM 8207 - Hydrodynamic Stability (offered periodic Fall)
AEM 8211 - Theory of Turbulence I (offered periodic Fall)
AEM 8212 - Theory of Turbulence II (offered periodic Fall)
AEM 8213 - Turbulent Shear Flows (offered periodic Fall)
AEM 8221 - Rheological Fluid Mechanics (offered periodic Fall)
AEM 8231 - Molecular Gas Dynamics (offered periodic Fall)
AEM 8232 - Physical Gas Dynamics and Molecular Simulation (offered periodic Spring)
AEM 8233 - Multi-phase Flows: Fundamentals, Measurement, and Modeling (offered Spring semester of even years)
AEM 8241 - Perturbation Methods in Fluid Mechanics (offered periodic Fall)
AEM 8251 - Finite-Volume Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics (offered periodic Spring)
AEM 8253 - Computational Methods in Fluid Mechanics (offered perio​​dic Fall)
AEM 8261 - Nonlinear Waves in Mechanics (offered periodic Fall)
AEM 8271 - Experimental Methods in Fluid Mechanics (offered periodic Fall)

AEM 829​0​ - Topics in Fluid Mechanics (offered periodic Fall & Spring)
​AEM 8293 -​ Directed Studies - Fluid Mechanics (offered every Fall & Spring)

AEM 8333 - FTE: Master's (offered every Fall, Spring & Summer)
AEM 8400 - Seminar: Aerospace Systems (offered every Fall & Spring)
AEM 8411 - Advanced Dynamics (offered periodic Spring)
AEM 8421 - Robust Multivariable Control Design (offered periodic Spring)
AEM 8423 - Convex Optimization Methods in Control (offered periodic Fall)
AEM 8426 - Optimization and System Sciences (offered periodic Fall)
AEM 8442 - Navigation and Guidance Systems (offered periodic Fall)
AEM 8444 - FTE: Doctoral (offered every Fall, Spring & Summer)
AEM 8451 - System Identification: Theory and Applications (offered periodic Spring)

AEM 849​0​ - Topics in Aerospace Systems (offered periodic Fall & Spring)
​AEM 8493 - Directed Studies - Aerospace Systems (offered every Fall & Spring)
AEM 8500 - Research Seminar in Mechanics of Materials (offered every Fall & Spring)

AEM 8511 - Advanced Topics in Continuum Mechanics (offered perioidic Fall)
AEM 8521 - Advanced Topics in Elasticity (offered perioidic Fall)
AEM 8523 - Elastodynamics (offered periodic Fall)
AEM 8525 - Elastic Stability of Materials (offered Fall semester of even years)
AEM 8531 - Fracture Mechanics (offered periodic Fall & Spring)
AEM 8533 - Theory of Plasticity (offered periodic Fall)
AEM 8541 - Mechanics of Crystalline Solids (offered periodic Fall)
AEM 8551 - Multiscale Methods for Bridging Length and Time Scales (offered periodic Spring)

AEM 859​0​ - Topics in Mechanics and Materials (offered periodic Fall & Spring)
​AEM 8593 - Directed Studies - Solids ​(offered every Fall & Spring)

The most current course schedules and information can be found on One Stop.