Filippo Coletti
Adjunct Associate Professor
Filippo Coletti
Adjunct Associate Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor
Professor Coletti works in experimental fluid dynamics. His research interests are focused along two main axes. On the fundamental side, he studies dispersed multiphase flows, and especially the dynamics of solid particles suspended in turbulent fluids. This includes both the effects of fluid flow on the particle trajectories, and the changes caused by the particles to the fluid flow. These phenomena are especially relevant to environmental processes such as atmospheric precipitation and pollution transport. On the applied side, Coletti investigates bio-fluid mechanics problems. In particular, he explores the relation between anatomical structure and organ-level function in respiratory and cardiovascular settings, by using both idealized and realistic in vitro models. The questions are tackled using a broad range of measurement techniques, including Particle Image Velocimetry and Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, 2010
Diploma Course in Fluid Dynamics, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium, 2006
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Studies of Perugia, Perugia, Italy, 2005
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Studies of Perugia, Perugia, Italy, 2003
Professor, Department of Mechanical and Processing Engineering, ETH Zurich in Switzerland, 2020-Current
McKnight Land-Grant Professor, Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics, University of Minnesota, 2018-2020
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics, University of Minnesota, 2019-2020
Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics, University of Minnesota, 2014-2019
Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University, 2011-2013
Research Engineer, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium, 2011-2013
Graduate Researcher, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium, 2005-2010
2015: National Science Foundation, CAREER Award, 2015
2015: Non-Tenured Faculty Award,The 3M Company, 2015
2014: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Wind Energy Committee, Best Paper Award, ASME Turbo Expo
2012: Arthur Charles Main Prize, Journal of Power and Energy
2011: International Mobility Grant, Flemish Research Foundation
2006: Prize for Excellence in Experimental Research, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
2000-2005: Italian Minister of Education Scholarship, University of Studies of Perugia
Coletti F. (2017). "Volumetric Velocimetry". In: Experimental Aerodynamics, Discetti S. and Ianiro A. (editors), CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group.
Heisel M., Dasari T., Liu Y., Hong J., Coletti F., Guala M. (2018) “The spatial structure of the logarithmic region in very-high-Re rough wall turbulent boundary layers”, J. Fluid Mech., 857:704-747
Jalal S., Van de Moortele T., Nemes A., Amili O. Coletti F. (2018) “Three-dimensional steady and oscillatory flow in a double bifurcation airway model”, Phys Rev Fluids, 3, 103101.
Carter D. & Coletti F. (2018) “Small-scale structure and scale interaction inhomogeneous turbulence”, J. Fluid Mech., 854:505–543
Discetti S. & Coletti F. (2018). “Volumetric velocimetry for fluid flows”. Measur. Science & Tech., 29, 042001
Amili O., Schiavazzi D., Moen S., Jagadeesan B., Van de Moortele P.F., Coletti F. (2018). “Hemodynamics in a giant intracranial aneurysm characterized by in vitro 4D flow MRI”. PLOS One, 13(1), e0188323,
Van de Moortele T., Wendt C., Coletti F. (2018) “Morphological and functional properties of the conducting airways in healthy subjects investigated by in vivo CT and in vitro MRI”. J Appl. Phys., 124: 400–413
Van de Moortele T., Wendt C., Goerke U., Coletti F. (2017) “Airway morphology and inspiratory flow features in the early stages of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”. Clinic. Biomech., DOI:10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2017.11.005
Baker L., Frankel A., Mani A., Coletti F. (2017) "Coherent clusters of inertial particles in homogeneous turbulence". J Fluid Mech., 833:364-398.
Carter D. & Coletti F. (2017). "Scale-to-scale anisotropy in homogeneous turbulence". J Fluid Mech., 827, 250-284.
Schiavazzi D., Nemes A., Schmitter S., Coletti F. (2017) "The effect of velocity filtering in pressure estimation". Exp. Fluids., 58:50.