Graham V. Candler
McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair, Associate Department Head
Graham V. Candler
McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair, Associate Department Head
McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair, Associate Department Head
McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair, Associate Department Head
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Professor Candler uses computational fluid dynamics to study high-temperature reacting flows and hypersonic flows, and is particularly interested in how the relaxation of internal energy modes and finite-rate chemical reactions interact with fluid motion. Applications of this work include the analysis of planetary entry spacecraft heat shields, hypersonic boundary layer transition, and the effects of chemical reactions on aerodynamics. Professor Candler works closely with experimentalists to validate high-enthalpy flow models by careful comparison to shock tunnel data. Recently, Candler's research group has been working to extend computational methods to complex geometries for application to future scramjet-powered hypersonic aircraft. These tools were used to design an inward-turning inlet for a upcoming sounding rocket flight experiment of a Mach 10 vehicle.
Ph.D., Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, 1988
M.S., Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, 1985
B.Eng., Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, 1984
Professor, Associate Department Head, Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics, University of Minnesota, 2014 - Present
Professor, Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics, University of Minnesota, 1999 - Present
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics, University of Minnesota,1994 -1999
Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics, University of Minnesota, 1992 - 1994
Assistant Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University, 1989 - 1992
Consultant Institute for Defense Analyses, Coleman Engine Company, 1989 - Present
Visiting Professor, Aeronautics & Astronautics, Stanford University, 1988 - 1989
Aerospace Engineer, Aerothermodynamics Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, 1988 - 1989
Research Assistant, Aerothermodynamics Branch, Stanford University, 1985 - 1988
2020: Elected to the National Academy of Engineering
2018: AIAA Dryden Lectureship in Research
2012: Russell J. Penrose Professor
2012: AIAA Fluid Dynamics Award
2009: McKnight Presidential Professor, University of Minnesota
2009: National Security Science and Engineering Fellowship
2008: Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
2007: AIAA Thermophysics Award
2006: AIAA Outstanding Paper Award in Aerodynamic Measurement and Ground Testing
2004: Distinguished McKnight University Professor, University of Minnesota
2002: George Taylor Distinguished Research Award, University of Minnesota
1990, 2001, & 2015: AIAA Award for Best Technical Paper in Thermophysics
1988: Ballhaus Prize for Best Ph.D. Thesis in Stanford Aeronautics and Astronautics
Fellow of the University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
Graham V. Candler, Pramod K. Subbareddy, and Ioannis Nompelis, CFD Methods for Hypersonic Flows and Aerothermodynamics, In Hypersonic Nonequilibrium Flows: Fundamentals and Recent Advances, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2015
Cook, D.A., Thome, J.S., Brock, J.M., Nichols, J.W., Candler, G.V. , 2018, "Understanding effects of nose-cone bluntness on hypersonic boundary layer transition using input-output analysis" , AIAA Paper
GS, S., Dwivedi, A., Candler, G. & Nichols, J.W., 2018, "Onset of three dimensionality in supersonic flow over a slender double wedge", Physical Review Fluids
Dwivedi, A., GS, S., Nichols, J.W., Candler G. & Jovanovic, M. R. , 2018, "Instabilities in hypersonic compression ramp flow: an input-output approach"
Hildebrand, N., Nichols, J.W., Jovanovic, M.R. & Candler G., 2018, "Transient growth analysis of oblique shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions at Mach 5.92, Physical Review Fluids"
Thome, J., Dwivedi, A., Nichols, J.W. & Candler, G., 2018, "Direct numerical simulation of BOLT hypersonic flight vehicle", AIAA Paper, 2018-2894