Scholarships and Financial Aid

AEM offers a variety of opportunities for both prospective and current students. 

AEM students working on project.

Lower Division Students

Freshman applicants are automatically considered for various college-wide and University-wide scholarships.

Scholarships for other lower division and transfer students are reviewed and managed through the College of Science and Engineering.

Upper Division Students

The AEM department awards scholarships based on academic achievement to full-time, upper division students admitted to the BAEM program. The Bartsch and Wagner scholarships require short applications using the links below. There is no formal process for applying for the other scholarships listed below. All upper division students are considered and election is made by the AEM Awards Committee each fall. Students whose applications are not selected to receive a Bartsch or Wagner scholarship still remain eligible to receive other scholarships through the AEM department.

Undergraduate Merit-Based Scholarships

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Richard D. and Wyona R. Bartsch AEM Scholarship (application deadline: May 1, 2025)

The Richard D. and Wyona R. Bartsch AEM Scholarship supports third and fourth year students studying Aerospace Engineering. If you are interested in receiving a Bartsch scholarship during the 2025-26 academic year, please submit an application by May 1st, 2025.


Louis R. and Dona S. Wagner Scholarship (preference for transfer students; application deadline: Aug. 1, 2025)

Louis and Dona both graduated from the University of Minnesota. Louis received his degree Cum Laude from the Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics (AEM) Department in 1949 and Dona from CEHD in 1963 as a returning adult student. Louis went on to pursue a long career as an aerospace engineer with Honeywell. Dona's career path was as a secondary English teacher in the Robbinsdale school district. Dona is establishing this fund to honor the memory of Louis R. Wagner and to support undergraduate students in the AEM Department. The Louis R. and Dona S. Wagner Scholarship supports upper division AEM majors, with a preference for transfer students. If you are interested in receiving a Wagner scholarship during the 2025-26 academic year, please submit an application by August 1st, 2025.

Glenn E. Bowie Educational Fund

The Glenn E. Bowie Educational Fund provides funding for students working towards an undergraduate degree in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics. 

James D. Clausen Scholarship

The James D. Clausen Scholarship provides support for undergraduate students in their junior year who are studying aerospace engineering and mechanics, with a preference for students from Omsted or Steele County, or Minnesota. 

Richard & Shirley DeLeo Scholarship & Engineering Fund

The Richard & Shirley DeLeo Scholarship provides undergraduate scholarships to deserving Aerospace Engineering students and provides discretionary funds to the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics.

Chester Gaskell Aeronautical -- Engineering Scholarship

The Chester Gaskell Scholarship provides funding for Aeronautical Engineering scholarships. 

Lawrence E. Goodman Scholarship in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

The Lawrence E. Goodman Scholarship supports promising students in the field of theoretical and applied mechanics. 

Eric W. Harslem Scholarship for Aerospace Engineering

The Eric W. Harslem Scholarship provides financial assistance to students in Aerospace Engineering. 

Thomas S. Lundgren Scholarship

The Thomas S. Lundgren Scholarship supports students studying towards a degree in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics. 

Richard G. Brasket AEM Scholarship Endowment

This scholarship was established by Richard G. Brasket, Aerospace Engineering Class of 1957, in recognition of the excellent education Mr. Brasket received at the University of Minnesota, the career success he achieved with his degree, and the support he received to allow him to obtain his degree. Through this scholarship, Mr. Brasket hopes to help other talented Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics students complete a degree at the University of Minnesota.

James M. Urnes Sr. AEM Scholarship

The James M. Urnes Sr. Scholarship provides support to students studying towards a degree in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics at the University of Minnesota. 

John and Robert McCollom Memorial Scholarship

John and Robert McCollom were 1942 graduates of the University of Minnesota in Aerospace Engineering and the ROTC program from which they received their commissions as Lieutenants in the Army Air Corps. In tribute to the McCollom twins, the John and Robert McCollom Memorial Scholarship provides assistance to Aerospace Engineering Students.


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship Program

AIAA awards scholarships to academically outstanding students who are pursuing science and engineering degrees related to the field of aerospace.

Financial Aid

Information regarding financial aid types and more information, including frequently asked questions, cost calculators, and residency/reciprocity, can be found through the One Stop Student Services website..


Minnesota Space Grant Consortium Fellowships/Scholarships

These fellowships and scholarships are awarded to graduate and undergraduate students majoring in any field of aerospace science or engineering. The Minnesota Space Grant Consortium is funded by NASA.

Fellowships and scholarships are limited to U.S. citizens who are students at one of the Minnesota Space Grant Consortium Affiliated Institutions of Higher Education. To apply, please contact Prof. Demoz Gebre-Egziabher ([email protected], [email protected]), Director of the Minnesota Space Grant Consortium. Applications are also accepted during the Consortium Wide Scholarship Program Competition held each spring.

Application deadlines are typically in January each year. See current application deadlines and other details.